Do you love video games? You have probably spent some time daydreaming about working in the gaming industry in game testing jobs. This may seem like it is just a dream, but there are actually people who do just that. There are jobs available to test the games and help those video game manufacturers perfect their games before they hit the market.
The job is much more than just playing games all day. You would actually be performing a great service to the video gaming industry. The programmers who create the games that are sold on the market, must have the input of actual players to find the bugs, understand how the game is perceived by a player and make changes that will help the game to be more successful.
How many times have you played a video game and wondered why a certain bug wasn’t found or why they didn’t change a certain aspect to make the game more fun? This type of thinking is exactly what the gaming industry needs. The opinions of those who are familiar with video games can help the gaming industry make the games that the public will want.
There are some things that you can do to get in on this industry. The first thing that you have to do is understand what the gaming industry is looking for in their testers. You should be able to provide the programmers with valuable information. It is much more than simply saying that you either liked or disliked the game. You should be able to explain why you did or did not enjoy the game.
The programmers are also interested in creating a game that is challenging to experienced gamers. You can provide the video game company with information on how long it took you to get through the game and how difficult you found it to be. This will help the programmer determine if there is more that they could do to make the game more challenging or if an extensive guide book will be needed to get through the game.
Game testing jobs are out there if you know where to look for them. First find out what you need to get started in this lucrative field. The information is available to help you get started with your new career choice. Many people are earning a good living doing what they love to do.
Your career choice should be centered on something that you enjoy doing and game tester jobs can provide you with hours of entertainment and a paycheck at the same time. Those who are lucky enough to work in jobs that they love often are more successful and earn a better living than someone who does a job simply for the paycheck. That is why game testing jobs can be your ticket to success. Research the field and find out what the video game companies are looking for in their testers. Once you have the tools that you need to get started in this fascinating career choice, you can begin living the life of someone who loves what they do and gets paid handsomely for it.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
The Fun of Game Testing Jobs
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2:53 PM
Getting a Job as a 2010 Census Taker
Chris Apicella
Every 4 years, the United States government takes an official tally of the number of residents in each town, city, county and state in the US. This information is used primarily for determining the number of representatives each state and county is allotted by the federal government. But today, there is much more to the census than counting heads. The information is used to determine funding for a large number of state and federal programs, such as public school funding. The demographic data provides a goldmine of information for businesses and marketers as well.
A census taker's job provides a great opportunity for anyone looking for a temporary or part time job, or students looking for summer employment to get a good paying job with flexible time and hours, working with people, and knowing you are contributing a very important process dating back to the founding of the United States of America! An army of paid workers is needed to travel down each street and alley, and look in every nook and cranny to ensure that no individual is missed. President Obama's strong interest in the outcome of the census provides all the more reason to believe that the 2010 census will be better funded, and employ more people than any before in history. The interviewing for census taker jobs in 2010 will start in the fall of 2009. If you want to get one of these jobs, you need to be prepared.
Preparation Steps:
1. Visit the Census Jobs Web Page
The census has a dedicated web page for people who are interested in taking up a census job.
This page is updated with the latest census job information available.
2. Understand what knowledge will be expected.
Like many civil service jobs, there is an exam you must pass. The exam test basic competency in math and reading skills, reading maps, Interpreting information and evaluating alternatives, and organizational skills. There is a practice test available on the census jobs web site
3. Check the opportunities available at regional Census field offices.
The census bureau has 12 regional field offices located in Atlanta, Boston, Charlotte, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Detroit, Kansas city, Los Angeles, New York, Philadelphia and Seattle. Each regional district covers an area of several states. Go to the regional field offices main page and click on the us map to find your particular census district field office. It may in fact be locates outside your state! For example, the California is split into two districts with a field office in Los Angeles for Southern California, and a field office in Seattle! The local field office employment pages will list specific job opportunities within the district as well as phone number and other information for ongoing survey and field work positions. There is a lot of other useful information available at the regional field office pages as well.
Bilingual Skills give you an edge.
Know more than one language fluently? this may give you a great opportunity to get a leg-up on the hiring. Part of the census mandate is to encourage participation of non-english speaking residents, who will need the help of someone who understands their native language well. Because of the diverse nature of American population, speakers of all languages are needed.So the more uncommon the language you speak, the more likely your translation services will be needed.
SO if you are looking for some part time employment, of just want to have a flexible job to make some extra money, and meet a lot of people, check out the US Census Bureau, they may have a job that is perfect for you!
Census Job Opportunity Page:
Sample Census Taker Test:
Census Field Office Main Page:
Useful Phone Numbers:
2010 Decennial Field & Local Census Office Positions: 1- 877- 471- 5432
Ongoing Surveys: 1- 888-722-8995
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2:53 PM
Protect Your Employees With Background Searches
Convincing yourself to run background checks on people applying for your company may seem such a difficult decision. A background check may seem to benefit you company. You are protected from lawsuits resulting from negligent hiring as well as making sure that you hired trusted employees. On the other hand, you may think that you are being unfair to the other party. First is that it seems that you are invading their privacy and second is that the negative things which may be written on the records may drive you to make decisions such as not hiring them at all.
If you are concerned with these issues, you do not need to worry because even if you are not aware of it, there are actually guidelines in conducting these pre-employment background searches. The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) has provided guidelines which need to be followed when doing background searches on applicants. These set of guidelines provide the applicants with protection when it comes to the misuse of the information obtained in these searches particularly outright rejection based on the results. There are forms which must be signed by the applicants prior to the background search. With these, you are now able to control any decisions you make when it comes to the hiring process.
An Adverse Action is basically not hiring an applicant because of the results of the background check. This is seen as a harsh decision to do, but in reality, there have been numerous cases of this happening to employees. The FCRA has already set guidelines which protects the applicants from adverse action. Companies need to give applicants an Adverse Action Letter to notify the applicants of your decision and attached to it are the search results. The applicants are given the right to disagree with the search done by the pre-employment background screening company. They can even demand for a recheck if they think that the information attached is inaccurate.
The good thing about the guidelines set by the FCRA is that if the applicant has been proven to have been screened with inaccurate information, they will be given a second chance. The company should run another background check with accurate information and make the decision based on the new set of information found.
Companies must not neglect the importance of the Adverse Action letter since it provides a systematic rejection of the applicant. This will save the company from lawsuits and will ensure that they are following the guidelines set by the FCRA. If you think that you are being unfair when doing background checks, then you may need to think twice. The FCRA has already been made to ensure that there are no unfair decisions made for employees. You will be able to have a basis in making the right decisions. Plus there is a proper procedure in actually rejecting an applicant which makes things a lot easier. This is not solely based on personal opinion. This is a fair way of deciding whether the applicant should be hired or not.
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2:52 PM
How To Find A Nursing Job That Isn't In A Hospital
Brent McNutt
A profession marked by its ever increasing shortage, nursing has started to feel the impact of the rise in unemployment. About to graduate from their programs, many nursing students are anxious and unsure about landing their first job. With hiring freezes and an influx of more experienced nurses applying for entry level jobs because they have been let go, the job search has become another hurdle in the lives of nursing students. However, it may be because of where the search is being focused.
Most people assume that hospitals or doctors’ offices are the best places to find employment. In reality, since this is where most people will be looking, your chances lessen to find a job you’d want. You’d be surprised at the number of facilities and companies that need nurses on their staff.
Insurance Companies. Go to any major insurance company’s website and you’ll find numerous positions requiring a nursing degree. Specifically, case management is one of these categories. A case manager assesses a member’s clinical needs and authorizes the required services. For example, if a member’s daughter had an eating disorder and wished to seek residential treatment, a case manager would be called by an admissions team from the chosen facility. The case manager is responsible of assessing that this is the appropriate facility and continues to monitor the patient’s progress while subsequently authorizing more treatment if needed.
Medical writing. If you have a knack for the written word and a nursing degree, you can bring your expertise to a freelance writing career. Magazines are always looking for articles written by knowledgeable sources and would welcome submissions on an array of topics. From a nurses’ perspective of a hospitals infrastructure to the best ways to care for a newborn infant, informational articles sell rapidly when they cover any health-related topic. Articles are either paid for per word or with a per article fee. Freelance writing can also help to supplement a part-time income.
Pharmaceutical sales. Nurses are needed in this area to educated and promote new and existing products to fellow medical professionals. Positions at companies selling medical equipment and medications require nurses to cover a broad geographic area as well has an increasing product base. Opportunities for this type of employment can be found by conducting an internet search of pharmaceutical companies and searching their job postings.
Government and legal arena. The government at national, state and city levels has a need for nurses. Whether to assist a government funded pre-natal care program to working for the State Department of Health, jobs for nurses are plentiful. Government careers allow nurses to step out and take a more educational approach and enjoy a change of environment.
Hopefully the job search seems a little less dire when considering all the new and overlooked areas employment is found. More positions can be found in other areas not mentioned in this article such as schools, prisons and medical answering services. Keep an open mind and try to think of others. Happy hunting!
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2:51 PM
Work At Home Jobs Are The Way Of The Future
Working from home has long been the dream of many professionals, stay-at-home parents and retirees in search of supplemental income. Once thought of as a luxury that was out of reach for most, establishing an income from home by creating a self-directed career or taking advantage of growing opportunities for online jobs is now a viable employment option and is quickly increasing in popularity. As access to work at home opportunities increases and a number of factors affect our ability and desire to work outside of the home, working from home and establishing an online income is quickly becoming the way of the future.
Online work comes in many forms these days and is now accessible to anyone with a computer, an Internet connection and the motivation to succeed in a self-styled online career with the benefits of being your own boss and setting your own schedule. With major companies declaring bankruptcy and announcing large-scale layoffs on a regular basis, even full-time employees with well-established careers are now searching for stability in alternative work environments. The current economic downturn has also affected small businesses in every industry, leaving former long-term employees and business owners struggling to make ends meet and searching for ways to make money online with work at home jobs.
Another reason many people are forgoing the traditional career route and opting for work at home employment is the growing concern for the environment and increasing efforts to limit our personal environmental impacts by taking steps to go green. When you choose to make an income working from home, you immediately have the opportunity to lower your carbon footprint and decrease your negative impact on the environment by not commuting to an offsite job location, eating more meals at home, lowering your consumerism by limiting your need for work clothes and establishing a situation where you are directly in charge of the amount of energy, paper, office supplies or other items that you use.
The key to succeeding in online jobs and making online work work for you is to acquire the knowledge and skills you need to establish a steady online income that will meet your and your family’s needs and allow for continued growth. The first step, of course, is to be able to recognize a good opportunity when you see it and avoid wasting time and money on companies that offer false promises with little to no return. With the vast number of work at home scams, it is easy to get caught up in get rich quick schemes that do not work and will cost you more money than you will ever make from them.
Real work at home opportunities require real effort and motivation, as well as the right knowledge and skills. Acquiring the knowledge and skill set you need to succeed in online employment is absolutely essential to establishing a steady income and ensuring your success working from home. This is why so many successful Internet entrepreneurs first turned to private clubs and websites, like, that offer step by step instructions on how to establish an online income working from home to acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to get ahead and to build a solid foundation for their success.
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2:51 PM
Getting A Job In Today's Christian Radio Broadcasting
What are Christian Radio jobs?
Radio broadcasting jobs are evolving and presently it has grown to a status of reaching to millions of people across the globe, thanks to the advancement in the Radio broadcasting techniques and its proper use in reaching to the varied community of people all through the world. Christian Radio broadcasting offers the spectacular opportunity of spreading the Christian ideologies and God’s words across the people and makes them spiritually advanced. I heard many people talking about Christian Radio Job Opportunities. However, none of them is very clear about what are all opportunities available in a Christian Radio Broadcasting Job arena. Are they like usual radio broadcasting efforts? These Radio jobs are very distinctive. These jobs promote the idea of spirituality. The people who work on this field spread God’s words across the globe, reaching out to the echelon community of radio users.
Promoting Christian Values…
What are all you can do through Radio in spreading Christianity? One of the opportunities is the advertising in Radio, which effectively reaches the masses. The advertisement broadcasting need to be centered around the Biblical concepts, effective use of Biblical concepts in daily life and all broadcasting need to be attractive, cheerful, easily understandable and effective in promoting the Christian values. Beautifully knitted and edited advertisements are the cheapest and best method of reaching audience through Radio broadcasting.
Spiritual Consultancy
Offering spiritual consultancy is one another avenue in Radio broadcasting services for propagating Christianity and its values. It can be like online (through phone) question answer sessions. In the present world of unrest, stress and strain, there are many sisters and brothers who look for good spiritual consultancy services. Radio Broadcasting is the best medium for these types of God’s wishes. The same way through Radio, one can offer Christian and biblical based counseling for the needed. This will give the excellent opportunity of teaching the masses how to lead a meaningful Christian Life, how to come up with the challenges facing the society through spirituality and bringing together many unbelievers into the umbrella of believers. Radio Broadcasting Services are God’s gift in this way.
If you are looking for dedicated audiences in Christian Radio Broadcasting, presenting the Bible stories with all its charm, beauty and moral is the best way for this. This will bring dedicated listeners especially from the children, who are the best stuff to hear God’s words. The Christian Radio Broadcasting Jobs offer the great chance of work on people from all categories. The mass among which you work can be followers of Christianity and non-followers also. You can get them the basic ideas, how to lead a good Christian life, what are the essence of Christianity and biblical symbols. I will advise you to use all the most modern broadcasting techniques to reach to common people and make them spiritually wealthy.
Moreover, the Christian Radio broadcasting opportunities benefits you to get some extra income; you will feel that this is the apt place to work in this celebrity area of Radio Broadcasting.
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2:51 PM
Sports Radio Jobs – A New Horizon To Explore
With advent of Radio broadcasting system and its amazing growth, primarily due to the exploded growth in the audiences, made Radio broadcasting as a major field in Media industry. The renewed interest in sports activities world over, brings cheers to Radio broadcasting services as they can offer pretty nice sports programs through Radio broadcasting, term it as sports casting. This sports casting is financially rewarding for the right people. Presently many Radio broadcasting services have been started dedicated to only sports related programs. These Sports Radio Broadcasting services attract many sports loving audiences and their ratings are growing day by day. These Sports Radio broadcasting services offer many job opportunities for right people.
To be successful in any field, one requires the basic knowledge of the area in which they excel. It requires lots of talents, hard work, dedication and much more understanding the changing world scenario. One of the job opportunities in Sports Radio is the excellent opportunity of Newsman/ woman, as it is simply news reading one need to have the ability to speak nicely in good voice, with proper pitching of the sounds, ups and downs.
The Skills you must have
A talented sport person can avail for the opportunity of commentator; this is a very tough job. It is unlike the TV commentator, TV commentator need to speak very less only, the video and visuals running parallel will keep the viewers in front of TV. Nevertheless, a sport casting in Radio is entirely different. You should able to make the audience to sit through full period of sports activity listening you. Unless the listeners get a feeling of minute-by-minute happenings in the field, the details you provide should act like visuals passing through the mind of the listener. Listener need to get the feeling of seeing the sports activity just in front of them, without missing ant instants.
To be successful in this job opportunity, you should be well equipped with origin of the sports, history, statistics and recent achievements. You need to be a prolific speaker, very good command over language, good voice musical toned, standing jokes and much more. Controlling your emotions plays a major part in your success are a sportscaster. The sports casting jobs in Radio bring you good revenue and much needed celebrity status. You will be known as an expert among the audiences.
Different Roles involved
If you are sports enthusiast and like to promote sports, you can be crew member of the sports program produced for broadcasting in Radio. You can be producer, director, assistants, presenter, interviewer and any such jobs of a crew. Interviewing renowned sports icons is fantastic, not only you get a chance to spend good time with a celebrity but also you can get a close peep into their behavior, culture, mannerisms and charisma. The audience will be benefiting from these types of interviews.
The Sports radio Jobs are like any other jobs in Radio broadcasting, with the unique feature of knowing specially the in and out of sports activities, sports celebrities, history and origin of sports. Many opportunities await you in this growing field. If you have mastered the craft of Radio broadcasting and if you have all fundamental requisites for sportscasting, no need to worry go ahead and make a career in Sports radio broadcasting.
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2:49 PM
Monday, July 13, 2009
Executive Job Search
As a current or former executive, your job search may be somewhat more difficult than one an assistant or manager faces because your search will be complicated by the fact there are fewer executive level jobs. For that reason, it can take longer than you would like to find a new position, so get prepared to be patient and persistent. For you, the best resource you will have is your network of current and former colleagues and clients/customers. Executive recruiters will also form a solid foundation in the search process for you.
Let's assume, for a moment, that you have found yourself in the position of having left your current place of employment as a c-level executive and you are starting with a blank slate. The most important thing is not to be embarrassed that you are facing a job search, because many executives have been here before you. Whether their departure was voluntary or not, executives often feel un-tethered and adrift once they have left their organizations, and it can be a very depressing experience.
So, the first thing to do is keep your spirits up and look forward rather than back. Don't replay scenes or situations in your mind that may have contributed to or represented your actual departure. The opportunity to go back and change those circumstances has passed, and the best thing you can do for yourself is focus on a new career direction. Look at it as a chance to create the ideal job situation, from geography, to company philosophy, to matching your personal values and vision to a those of a new organization.
Executives do, however, have certain advantages over others in the job market. You have probably been using, for years, some of the critical skills and opportunities that will help you in your executive job search. Those skills include:
· Critical thinking ... This is a core component of every executive's competencies.
· Planning and assessment ... You are experienced in looking at the big picture thoroughly and insightfully and then assessing the results of the plan and formulating stay-the-course plans or course corrections.
· Networking ... Doubtless you have been doing this actively for years and it will prove to be a very significant capability in your job search.
· Outside positions ... Membership on a board of directors is an elite position and one which will bring you into contact with many opportunities to network and discover executive openings.
Here are some ideas to put those skills to work for you in your executive job search.
1. First, use your planning and assessment skills to outline an approach for your search. Identify organizations you feel match your professional values and whose missions you can see yourself supporting. Prioritize that list, and include in your assessment geographic location, whether you would be required to relocate, the viability and current market climate of the industries of those companies, and, of course, their financial positions (using 10-Ks, annual reports, stock position, press releases and articles).
2. Second, take a good look at where you are in your career now. Are you happy, feeling fulfilled by the work, and comfortable with the corporate environments in which you've found yourself? If not, it's a good idea to employ some critical thinking here, and take stock. Now is the ideal time to change your career direction if you feel something has been lacking.
3. Third, activate your network, including executive recruiters and board contacts. It's been reported that 80% of executives find new positions through professional contacts.
Many executives have taken a sharp right turn in their career paths following a departure from their last jobs. Look at this as an unexpected chance to decide again what you want in your personal and professional life and whether this could be the opportunity for which you have been waiting, but didn't realize until now you really wanted.
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9:24 AM
How To Flip A House
With the growing popularity of shows about flipping houses on TLC and Bravo, the craze is getting larger. More and more people are deciding to take on the daunting task of renovating a house to possibly turn a profit in the end. However, many people jump into the project without knowing the proper steps to take to complete a successful flip.
One of the most important things to review before deciding to flip a house is financial stability. If individuals need to take various loans and mortgages on their own house, then this job venture may not be for them. Since flipping a house takes a large chunk of personal time, individuals should be flexible and willing to work long hours in order to get the job done. Timing is everything in this business, and individuals must pick the right time for them in order to have a successful experience. Although this is a large investment and the risks are high, there is great potential to make money and have a profitable career for many years.
After deciding they are able to make the required commitment, the individuals should turn their heads to the real estate market and see if its conditions are in a place that will allow for a successful flip. An ideal market would be after an inflated market goes down and properties are at their lowest prices. For those people who are experienced in the business, this is the time they purchase several properties at once, in order to make the most profit possible. Of course, that practice is not for beginners and could lead to serious financial problems. It is a good idea to consult with a real estate agent before purchasing a property in order to get an inside look at the market.
There are two fees that most people flipping houses will be assessed. These fees are legal and lending, which come from lawyers and notaries who are required to write up contracts and other paperwork before a house can be flipped. Although the fees can go into the low thousands, the lack of hassle and knowledge that everything being done is legal is worth the cost and generally adds even more to the value of the property.
Once individuals have decided they are financially and physically able to begin the process of flipping a house, then they must lay out a clear plan with a start and end date. Once this is finished and they have researched everything thoroughly, then they may begin the search for the perfect property to flip. Individuals should have a certain area in mind where they want to purchase a property, and they should watch several properties before deciding on one. Flippers should strive to purchase a property at a price that will allow them to break even if they are forced to sell unexpectedly.
Once a house has been selected and purchased, it is time to take extra precautions before beginning the flip. First, a professional inspector should go through the house and point out everything that needs to be fixed to ensure the house is safe. The inspector can also provide expert advice on which renovations would garner the most profit. After the initial inspections, the renovations can begin.
The last big decision is whether they are going to hire others to do the renovations or if they will tackle the job themselves. Many individuals choose to do some of the work themselves to save money but end up losing more because of mistakes and lack of experience. It is a general rule to hire a professional to do any labor that the flippers have not successfully completed before. In some cases, professional flippers will find a team of workers to join them and work on each of their flips, thus establishing a valuable working relationship. Once the renovations are complete the flippers should choose the market they are going to target in order to sell the house the fastest. Many people have open houses or hire realtors to bring in potential buyers, while others choose to sell the property themselves. Either way is fine, but it is important to have a clear plan for the house to sell.
If individuals take the proper steps in choosing and purchasing a property and renovate it in a smart way, they will be on their way to making large profits. Although the task can seem daunting, many individuals who have learned the basics have gone on to make millions flipping houses. The risk is high and the stress level even higher, but the market is filled with possible properties just waiting to be turned from a sub par house into a beautiful home.
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9:23 AM
What Is Telecommuting?
With all of the hustle and bustle in today’s modern workplace, some people have chosen a different path. Those who dread the everyday commute to work and the long hours in a cubicle have turned to telecommuting for the opportunity to work as an independent employee. Telecommuting, also known as e-commuting or e-work, is the term used when individuals take advantage of the many technological advances to work from anywhere they desire, giving themselves flexibility in their hours and work locations.
In today’s job market there are endless obstacles that must be overcome in order to find a good job. Many skilled workers who do not live in an area where their preferred business is prevalent will oftentimes be required to move or take jobs outside of their market. Telecommuting has allowed for decentralization from the traditional workplace and enabled individuals to work where they choose. These opportunities are great for one-parent homes or homes where only one parent is able to work. Telecommunication also allows anyone with physical obstacles the ease of working from home. Some workplaces make it difficult for a handicapped person to travel to work easily and telecommuting gives those individuals the security they need to be able to earn a living.
In the past, becoming a telecommuter proved difficult due to the lack of technology and workloads. Nowadays it is easier than ever to become a telecommuter because of the vast technologies available that make working from home easier and more convenient. Telecommuting is simpler now with the use of tools such as wireless Internet, videoconferencing, and Broadband phones, which have steadily become cheaper to get and more efficiently made. These tools allow for constant contact with businesses, making it possible to work anytime of day. Since telecommuters do not work from an office, they are able to choose their work hours and can work from virtually anywhere in the world.
Other individuals outside of the business sector are looking to telecommuting in a non-business manner and are encouraging this type of work in hopes of bettering the condition of the environment. Telecommuting greatly decreases the amount of motorists on the road, therefore decreasing the amount of pollution in the air. Since 1996, telecommuters have been in conjunction with the government after the passing of the Clean Air Act that encourages car pools, more use of buses and subways, as well as telecommunication.
Although the field is more convenient and flexible, not everyone is meant to be a telecommuter. Individuals who choose this field are often their own supervisors and have to depend on themselves to get their work completed correctly and on time. There usually is not anyone there to observe their work or encourage them to work a certain way. Telecommuters must have an independent nature and be able to work well under strict time constraints, due to the usual large workload.
Of course, there are some disadvantages to telecommuting rather than working in the traditional way. For one, many telecommuters receive significantly larger workloads than employees working in an office due to their lack of time constraints. There are often various distractions that can hinder a telecommuter from getting work done, whether they are family or other daily duties. Also, the lack of a managerial figure can sometimes make it difficult for telecommuters to clearly define their objectives and job duties.
The European Trade Union Confederation has published a pamphlet that spells out the basic requirements and expectations of a telecommuter. This pamphlet has become the go-to guide for an accurate description of the telecommuting field and covers all areas, including health and safety, training, rights, and privacy. However, no official organization has been set up for telecommuters in the U.S., therefore some individuals may be more hesitant to join the field due to lack of rights and benefits. Although the field of telecommunication is growing in prevalence and has endless perks, some people are still wary of the legitimacy of the profession. In years to come, the U.S. government will likely need to step in and set up an organization geared toward establishing telecommunication as a legitimate profession and providing individuals with more protection.
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9:21 AM
Examples Of Telecommuting Jobs
Thanks to its ease and the use of modern technology, the field of telecommunication has become a new way for people to work from their homes or anywhere else they please. Many businesses are now using telecommuters to outsource their work, opening up office space and lowering the number of employees needed. With its ever-growing popularity, the telecommunication job market has developed significantly and is filled with many job opportunities for skilled professionals who are unable or unwilling to work in an office environment.
There are numerous different businesses that are now using telecommuters. The most common users are small companies that are on a budget or are looking to save money. These businesses outsource their work to telecommuters, who they refer to as either independent contractors or freelancers, allowing the company to be more cost effective and have a quicker turnaround. Of course, larger businesses and corporations also use telecommuters, but their jobs are generally more entry-level than those found with smaller companies.
The most common types of jobs are in the fields of transcription and coding. These jobs are the easiest to do from home but do require some training. Many of these jobs can be found through various online search engines like and Google. This specific job market is growing an average of fifteen percent annually and is providing hundreds of thousands of jobs each year.
There are several resources available to help individuals find jobs as telecommuters. is a website that shows job listings in various fields for those interested in data entry, transcription, sales, writing, publishing, and more. The site allows anyone to post their resume and have their profiles placed on a page for potential employees to browse, providing great networking opportunities. is another site that trains people and finds them jobs as telecommuters. TeleCommuting works in conjunction with many other providers to give prospective workers a wide range of jobs from which to choose. The site allows people to post their resumes and works as a go-between for businesses and telecommuters. According to the website, TeleCommuting works with over 2,000 vendors to help find work for telecommuters and provide a complete telecommuting library that is said to be one of the most valuable telecommuting resources.
Another good place to look is the Telework Coalition, or TelCoa, which offers numerous resources to anyone who signs up for a membership. TelCoa is sponsored by several organizations that hire and train telecommuters. One sponsor is TeleTech, which is one of the largest providers of telecommunication work. TeleTech works with businesses all over the world and provides secure jobs in several different industries. Working Solutions is another sponsor that claims to be the global leader for bringing together independent agents to contact centers. Working Solutions specializes in working with corporations to help them improve their investment strategies and bring in more profit.
The General Services Administration (GSA), in conjunction with the Office of Personal Management (OPM), has put together a helpful site that not only gives links to jobs but also explains the telecommuting process. Both of these organizations have established guidelines for people who wish to work as telecommuters, as well as provided programs and courses to train them to be effective telecommuters. The companies also provide the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s standards for security, which is enforced and required of all telecommuting agencies. There is also a bulletin from the GSA that spells out all of the guidelines for executing and working from a different workplace, called the “Alternative Workplace Arrangement” (AWA). This bulletin tries to explain the common problems that are often encountered when working out of an AWA and then goes on to give useful solutions to these problems.
With the help of organizations like GSA and OPM, telecommuters are now able to find more secure jobs and have a clearer view of their rights. There are so many ways to work as a telecommuter, and it is truly becoming a more necessary business option than in past years.
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9:21 AM
Where To Find Online Job Applications
Many times skilled individuals spend months on the unemployment list simply because they do not know where to find or how to fill out a job application. In recent years, the Internet has become a useful tool for people looking for work. The web offers many job opportunities in fields that are specific to individual skills, and several places online provide online job applications for individuals wanting to be hired for the best job possible. Many of these sites also aim to educate individuals on how to fill out an online job application properly and successfully so that nothing will stand in the way of them finding the job they have always wanted.
One of the most popular accredited sites on the Internet,, has created a search engine specifically designed to help people find job applications online. is one of the best places to search for job applications. The site has many resources that allow individuals to fill out applications right on the Internet. They also include samples and templates of successful applications to show people the correct form so that finding a job will be even easier. The site has several articles posted by experienced professionals that help address any questions and concerns related to completing a job application. One of the most helpful tools offered there is a guide to writing a successful resume, which gives individuals a better chance at being hired. Most importantly, the site offers government sponsored applications, proving its legitimacy and recommendation from the Better Business Bureau.
In addition to search engines, many well-known and respected businesses are now allowing applicants to apply for work online. Corporations, government jobs, and even teaching positions can now be applied for right on the Internet. Many states have also established sites that allow individuals to search for work in various fields in the state of their choice. Some states that have jumped on the online application bandwagon are California, Ohio, Colorado, and South Carolina. is a great site that lists various applications according to state and job market, allowing individuals to find an application in the field and destination that is best for them. This site offers the convenience of searching several states on one site rather than looking for particular states all over the web. Each website is sponsored by its state government and provides several types of applications to choose from. Many sites also offer the option of printing the forms to be mailed or simply submitting them online.
Although some sites include examples of how to fill out a job application properly, it is a good idea to research how to do this before beginning the process. is a good site to check out that provides examples of various types of job applications for individuals to study before filling out their own. They also offer a training link that offers advice and step-by-step instructions for filling out job applications. The site even has special sections on applying for internships and volunteer positions.
A job application is one of the first things an employer sees when searching for a new employee. If the applications are filled out incorrectly or carelessly, the individual applying for the position could be overlooked even if they are highly qualified for the position. Many times people do not know the proper procedures for filling out applications, and they have a hard time finding work for that reason. If individuals do the proper amount of research and complete applications with deliberation, they will have a major leg up on the competition and be hired in no time.
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9:20 AM
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Online Job Search
The internet has brought convenient, nationwide, independent job search functionality to your fingertips. Online job search opportunities have gone well beyond job postings on individual company websites. Today, there are numerous dedicated sites to help job hunters search for jobs worldwide.
Online job search that involves going directly to company internet sites is a good way to introduce yourself to the company in which you think you might be interested. Typically, companies are eager to present themselves to the public online so they will have complete descriptions of their business philosophy, the services, supplies or products they promote, and a section for job hunters in which they post job openings. Generally, you can identify, through various search options, the jobs which might be appropriate for your skills and abilities. Many systems allow you to apply for specific jobs online through a system where you would complete an application and upload your resume. It will be transmitted to the Human Resources Department or function responsible for resume assessment.
Once you have completed a company's application process, you will then become part of their database for a period of time. Some systems search their databases automatically when new jobs are posted. If your resume matches any of the job requirements, you'll get a notice and opportunity to apply for the job online.
Over the last few years, independent online job search functionalities have become prevalent on the internet. Newspapers, local services and worldwide online job search databases are easy to find ... simply type “job search” into your browser's search engine. Some sites have more extensive functionality than others. The better sites have direct links into the participating company job search engines. For companies that don't have internal job posting engines, the job search sites will forward applications and/or resumes on your behalf.
The advantage of these online job search functionalities is that they give you access to an extensive database of job opportunities across the country. You can search by state and city, and view everything that is posted. The more sophisticated sites also allow you to narrow your search by job category, name or position level. Some allow you to specify a company name and search nationwide for job opportunities within that specific company. This online functionality puts many position descriptions in front of you quickly. You can apply for them immediately, or on the more expansive sites, you can put them in a “save” or “watch” category so you can think about it and apply at a later date.
Other sites have extensive functionality to help job searchers including:
· Search by date posted
· Job profiles you can set up that alert you to jobs being posted that fit your skills
· Resume posting on the job search site where employers can search resumes that match their requirements
· Salary calculators
· Career resource links that provide services such as, coaching, education, interview tips, financial advice, etc.
· Career fair information
· Resume critique
· Video resume posting
Not all job search sites are created equal ... it's very important to make sure you thoroughly check out the site you want to use. Look for endorsements, privacy and security statements, and full disclosure about company ownership and business practices. Many online sites require you to purchase a membership, but the fees are not excessive and most have varying levels so you can pick one that suits your needs and your budget.
To be fair, there is one thing that online sites can't do: specifically, they can't put you in physical contact with a potential hiring company because most do not allow any contact outside the online service. However, the advantage of applying for a limitless number of jobs, in any category may outweigh the lack of personal contact. Searching online will certainly ensure that a far greater number of potential employers get to see your resume than if you used a single employment agency or recruiter.
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1:35 PM
Online Jobs At Home
As the years go by, the thought of working forty hours a week in an office or cubicle has begun to lose its appeal. People are beginning to search for alternative ways to spend less time in an office and more time doing what they want to do. Many people have begun making their living out of their homes and have found that starting is easier than they thought. Whether they are a stay-at-home parents, a retirees, or people who simple enjoy staying at home, an at home job could be the answer to all of their problems and would allow for a more convenient and flexible job that could satisfy nearly any personality.
There are numerous job markets that allow individuals to work from home rather than staying cooped up in an office. Some markets that offer the most work are in freelance writing, graphic design, publishing, data entry, and transcription. In the past, many writers, designers, and artists struggled to find steady work because they were not living in an area where there was a large demand for their profession. Now, through online sites and databases, freelancers are able to find and keep work that pays well and satisfies their career desires.
Before beginning a search for at home jobs, individuals should do a significant amount of research to find the best job type for them. A good place to start looking is Free Agent Nation, which is known to hold vast amounts of research materials for individuals looking to start a career at home. Creator Dan Pink gives people invaluable knowledge on the work-at-home business and gives tips on how to start and keep an effective career from home.
Another valuable resource is the Work At Home Index, which gives individuals an entire listing of legitimate jobs that have been checked and approved by their staff. They have a convenient top three list of the best work-at-home opportunities that they feel are the most successful. The actual index is filled with hundreds of job listings that are separated into easy to search categories, making finding the right job even easier. They also list jobs that are specifically designed for moms and those interested in data entry, and they provide access to courses and guides that give instructions and advice to potential workers.
One website that has nearly any at home job imaginable is, which offers access to job sites, articles, message boards, and online courses. It is a one-stop shopping center for all things related to working from home. They provide access to several freelance portfolios in different categories, from basics like bookkeepers and legal assistants to more unique jobs in entertainment and art. The message boards are a great addition because they allow people to talk to others that are in the same position in order to get and give valuable advice. One of the biggest perks of the site is that they offer access to health insurance, which can sometimes be hard to find for self-employed individuals.
Aardvarks Home Workers Association (AHWA) is one of the largest resources available for finding at home jobs. Their site allows individuals to post resumes, search jobs, and even educates them on the best ways to work from home. This convenience of having everything in one place has enthralled many people searching for work they can do outside of the office.
Another good site is They have spent time researching and finding the best at-home jobs and offer a helpful newsletter that lists all of the latest news and job openings available. The site also offers access to a database with over 200 job listings posted. HomeJobsOnline gives suggestions of places to look for different categories of jobs, including home businesses and side jobs. The site’s many amenities are free of charge, but they do require users to subscribe to their newsletter. is another useful site that answers all of the tough questions concerning at home work. They have articles from the “Ten Best At-Home Jobs” to “Tips on How to Avoid Scams.” The site also allows people to connect with others to chat and ask questions about their work. BizLancers has links to several different popular, legitimate sites that hire people and allow others to start businesses in their own home.
The most important thing for individuals to remember before committing to an at-home job is to do extensive research on jobs in the fields in which they express interest. Also, it is necessary to make sure the sites visited are legitimate and approved by the Better Business Bureau. If these simple precautions are taken, then it is likely that anyone will be able to start a successful at-home business venture in no time.
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1:34 PM
When Your Professional Experience Is Lacking
Recent high school graduates, some stay-at-home moms, and those individuals who are just starting trade school or vocational college are faced with extra challenges in creating a resume that will prove their worth. As with all resume content, it’s imperative to focus on what you do have to offer, rather than what you lack. All it takes is a creative approach in putting your best foot forward.
Unlike the popular reverse-chronological format that details employers, titles, dates of employment, and job duties, the functional format showcases what you know.
For a recent high school graduate or those just entering trade school, that may mean clerical skills such as typing (including words per minute), computer proficiency (list software), data entry, 10-key, some bookkeeping, tailoring (sewing), cooking (home economics skills), or whatever was learned in high school that can be applied to a real job.
In the case of a stay-at-home mom, everyday tasks such as managing a household budget, paying bills (bookkeeping in the corporate world), childcare, scheduling pediatrician visits (appointment setting in the corporate world), planning children’s birthday parties or family get-togethers (event planning in the corporate world), can all have value in a professional environment, especially in an administrative assistant role.
Many individuals erroneously believe that if they weren’t paid for work, then it has no value in the corporate world. Nothing could be further from the truth. Skills in fundraising, event planning & coordination, media relations (either speaking with the press or authoring newsletters), activities planning, and community outreach (providing after school activities for at-risk youth, organizing a soup kitchen, etc.) can be stated as skills on a resume so long as the volunteer work is relevant to the current job search. It’s equally important to indicate how these skills transfer to a corporate environment – i.e. event/activities planning may be valuable in an administrative assistant position when clerical support is needed to make travel/lodging arrangements for an executive or when a corporate party needs to be organized.
Even a basic entry-level position such as reception requires skill in answering phones and greeting the public. Determine what employers generally want in an employee, through online searches, then dovetail your strengths with their needs.
For example, a recent high school graduate is seeking a job as a receptionist. The information to highlight on this individual’s resume is any school activity that would tell the hiring manager this is a people-person, with a pleasant demeanor, who is always willing to help. Information that might relay this would be functioning as a hostess at a school-sponsored Las Vegas night or a fundraising supper, or perhaps this individual represented the school to prospective students during campus visits and tours.
Keep in mind that when you're looking for a job, the company that's hiring is looking for someone who is a good match for a particular job. Be sure that your skills and your personality matches tjhe need of that particular position.
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1:33 PM
New Millennium Job Seeking Formats
Though we are well into the new millennium, we are still being surprised by innovative technologies that surface almost everyday. And many of them transfer very effectively into the work world, affording us opportunities to restructure the way we conduct job searches.
This means it is a good idea to learn some of the new ways to seek jobs. That way, you can keep up with, and even surpass your competition.
Web Portfolios and Video Resumes
Web portfolios are becoming popular vehicles for obtaining employment because they offer easy-to-read, attractive, electronic versions of your resume. They are especially useful for candidates working in web design, writing or artwork; however, anyone can take advantage of them. Typically, they showcase screenshots of designs, links to a working page, and a description of the work being displayed. There are websites dedicated to helping individuals create them in order to post the work and send links to employers.
Video resumes, while not as popular or highly-accepted by recruiters, are another way for job candidates to spice up what was once simply a dull piece of paper. Posted on sites like YouTube, candidates use these resumes to verbally list their skills, talents and capabilities. After creating the video, they send the link to potential employers. However, before you decide to take this route however, conduct research to make sure this type of resume is acceptable in your field.
Job Blogging and Social Networking
Along with creating video resumes and web portfolios come two more vehicles of online job seeking: job blogging and social networking. You are probably familiar with the concept of social networking by now if you have a Myspace of Facebook page. On both websites you can either communicate with your friends or set up a page that lends itself to your professional side. But social networks now do even more. They also allow you to get on message boards where recruiters often frequent, and network with other individuals in your field.
Since some recruiters take the extra steps to locate candidates via the Internet, it’s not a bad idea to also set up your own blog that tracks your job search and markets your skills. Just ensure that if you’re trying to have a professional online presence, you either don’t create or make “private” any profiles listed under your full name that may be inappropriate for business. For more information on how to blog responsibly, you can visit
The Behavioral Interview
While not technology-based, the behavioral interview is becoming a popular format employers are using to gather more information about job candidates. The interview is handled in person like the traditional interview; however differences lie in the types of questions being asked. For instance, instead of being asked “What are your strengths and weaknesses as an employee?” you might be asked “What is a specific example of an occasion where you were called upon to solve a problem? And how did you solve it?” The latter questions explore exact behaviors in specific situations, and give more insight into your day-to-day abilities.
Staying on top of what’s going on in the world of job seeking is very important. So try to find out more. You’ll be surprised by the exposure and access to opportunities you’ll acquire.
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1:30 PM
All About Freelance Public Relations Jobs
Public relations is an involved field of work for freelance writers. Freelance public relations usually entails writing reports, designing presentations, putting together ad campaigns, creating press releases, writing speeches, coaching, informing employees/clients/regulatory agencies about what's going on at the office, and so on.
In short, if you want to freelance as public relations writer, you need a diverse set of skills. This includes exceptional writing ability, a knack for marketing, superior computer skills (with knowledge of presentation and desktop publishing software), and exceptional customer service.
If you don't have these skills, you can probably outsource some of your work. However, hiring others to do your job for you will seriously dwindle your profits.
Who offers freelance public relations jobs?
Every publicly traded company needs PR people, including many private businesses. Marketing and communications firms are popular examples. In addition, government and non-profit organizations always seek the services of freelance PR pros. Museums, charities, and hospitals are just a few examples that encompass the endless list of organizations needing someone to handle their public relations.
To find public relations jobs, check out employment sites like and Yahoo! HotJobs. It's also smart to sign up with websites like that specialize in connecting PR jobseekers with employers.
Don't forget to check out websites like IFreelance and Guru. These freelance job auction sites allow you to bid on projects that suit your timeline, scope of abilities, and desired income level.
How much money can I make in freelance public relations?
That depends on the PR work that you're doing. Freelance public relations encompass many "sub-jobs," and consequently, each client will have different tasks that he or she wants you to oversee. A PR client may hire you to do everything from employee newsletters to nationwide marketing campaigns; or the client may hire you to type, copyedit, and proofread press releases. You and your client will have to agree on the list of expectations.
If you're a jack-of-all-trades public relations writer, then don't charge less than $40 an hour. If your client wants you to charge by project (which is more common for large PR campaigns), estimate the number of hours you will need and then multiply it by your hourly rate. As your list of happy PR clients grows, you may want to charge more. Many PR freelancers make $150 an hour and up.
In public relations, it is also common to charge by the day. PR professionals usually charge in the range of $300 to $1000 per day or more.
How do I properly respond to a public relations job ad?
Again, it depends on the work the client wants you to do. It also depends on the company it is. If a kids' soccer league were looking for a PR freelancer, you'd hope to quote them a far smaller fee than you would an oil and gas company!
To ensure you create the best response possible, follow these guidelines:
1. Identify yourself as an extremely capable and professional PR freelancer.
2. Assure the client that you can handle each of the items he or she listed in the ad.
3. Mention how satisfied your previous clients have been with your work.
It's obviously much easier to get this complex job with prior experience. However, if you don't have previous PR clients, remember that any job experience with any required job skill is useful. For example, you may have written website content before. It's not PR experience technically, but it shows you can handle that aspect of the job.
Sample ad
Below is a sample ad for a public relations freelance writer. What would you include in your response?
We are a mid-sized software company that needs a public relations specialist to add energy to our existing ad campaigns. We want to be well positioned within our market to reach out to new customers and generate more sales. You will rewrite our marketing material, design slideshows, and create two press releases per month about our products.
First, let the advertiser know you're enthusiastic about this job opportunity. The company is looking for someone to reenergize their marketing efforts, so you should convey yourself as an energetic, dynamic person.
Second, address their task list. If you have relevant experience and satisfied past clients, discuss it here. If not, focus on how solid your skills are.
That's all there is to it! Getting the client excited about your abilities is the key to success in public relations.
Posted by
1:28 PM
Finding an Online Job
There are many opportunities for employment on the Internet. If you're looking for a job at home or at work at home jobs in a search engine you will find many jobs at home with a job site. Some offer free membership and certain monthly costs, annual registration fees or life. Many offer a free trial of State or member of the process.
Equipment Directory, no fee work at home
However, there are also many other businesses online job right at home at no cost to you. Some of them are Outsourcing Services recruitment staff of the House their own websites. It will also assist ads desired temporary and permanent research agencies for employees. They consider the work of administration, the number of staff, the independent Web sites that recruiters wanted to help the classifieds or the jobs of the staff of the research. An online virtual services personnel should provide practical assistance in a variety of virtual staff, that the search for employees to work for their clients.
Outsourcing Services does not charge
There is a lot more work at home about the possibilities of the Internet with Outsourcing Services. You already have a large customer base and marketing system and are on the lookout for more staff to help their customers. There are call centers, supporting customers and providers of customer relationship management, the companies pay for the support of the customers work in the house, business premises in search of specialists for the sale of virtual assistant for the research of virtual assistants, the processing of Data for the research as an input for typing and other outsourcing services for the advertising of staff, whose online. You can also see many outsourcing services such as online advertising for the handling and attitude of publishers to work for their online services, or writers, typists, accountants, etc. Many agencies currently work independently and also advertising for Web sites workers who are in the outsourcing projects for them.
Classified Ads
To see the latest ads and wanted to look The recent reports with titles like “we are looking for employees”, “Help Wanted Jobs” and in newsgroups, jobs, forums and message boards too., and check many job boards in their job search. You can also use your resume to deposit and job seekers with your CV from its website., a large employment and career site, and also use this service free of charge.
Jobs at home Newsletter
There are also many jobs at home websites that give you in the last job advertisements in a newsletter or ezine. They combine their mailing list or subscribe to their free newsletter on their Web site. is recommended for new jobs at home advertisements in their free newsletter., telecommuting and also free access to jobs at home information in their newsletters. E-mail notifications are also in many jobs and career sites, including, and
Internet newsgroups
Another resource for job search and help wanted advertisements is Internet Newsgroups. The jobs will be in the newsgroup to in newsgroups such as,,, and You will find many recently wanted advertising in the newsgroups and news on this topic. You can also jobs. Many more jobs at home opportunities are in groups, Yahoo and MSN Groups.
Posted by
1:26 PM
Questions to be Asked at a Job Interview
In general terms most interviewers will give you the opportunity to ask questions once they have finished their series of questions. So it is important you make the most of the opportunity. Try to cover issues that are important to you combined with an interest in the company and of course the job you are applying for.
Given the type of interview that you have it is likely that most of the questions that you want to ask will have been covered in at least a general way. There is always more information available and the impression that you give will mean a great deal. You should appear to be curious and interested rather than passive and disinterested.
Don't forget you will never get a second chance to make a good first impression. So check the job specification and high light or underline areas that you would like to know more information on. This will act as a prompt and help you later.
Here are some questions that you may like to think about:
1. Why has the position become available?
2. What are the main requirements and responsibilities associated with the role?
3. What are the targeting expectations?
4. How do we know when the expectations have been met?
5. How do I know how successful I am in the role?
6. What problems (if any) do you think may come up to interfere with my success?
7. What kind of time line do I have in terms of measuring success?
8. What kind of development training and support are available?
9. How do I fit with the existing team?
Make sure you prepare for your interview by finding out about the company in advance. This process should help with questions and help you to find out about the company.
However some questions that you may consider asking:
1. What the best thing about working for the company
2. What is the main expectation that the company expects?
3. What is the staffing turnover?
4. What is the company looking to do in the future?
5. What is the culture and management style of the company?
Interest and knowledge is always very important. So establish what is currently happening within the business and ask relevant questions.
How do you think the new pricing structure will help the organisation?
How the interviewer will respond to your questions will give you a good idea whether it is a good fit for you. Don't forget an interview is an opportunity for both you and the company to sell the benefits of your skills and find their fit.
Try not to ask about the pay because this may seem that this is all you are interested in. It should be more about what the company can do for you and not what you can do for the company. This data will either have been identified via the advert or the agency if not through the first interview. If all you have is an OTE figure (On Target Earnings) discuss the bonus and how it is arrived at.
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1:09 PM
Work at Home Typing
Work at Home Typing: What You Should Know
Who wouldn't enjoy the chance to make money at home? In recent years, opportunities to earn a living by undertaking freelance assignments have vastly increased. This is because more and more companies are hoping to cut overhead costs through outsourcing work. The advent of the internet provides an easy avenue for would-be freelancers in search of part and full time work to connect with these companies. One of the popular fields in which people earn money at home is through freelance typing work.
Freelance typists may type any number of different documents, including forms, memos, and a variety of other documents. Sometimes, freelance typists transcribe from the spoken word on an audio recording, and other times they must translate shorthand or other written notes into typed documents. Whatever format or area of specialty is involved, a freelance typist must be competent, efficient, and reliable. Relatively few people have the necessary skills to become an excellent typist, so those who do have these skills have the potential to earn a lucrative income.
Speed and accuracy are the two core elements that vastly improve the odds of making money from home as a typist. Typically, these types of jobs are paid per page. To earn a significant income, you need to be able to type as fast as possible while at the same time retaining accuracy. Sloppiness is not acceptable in this type of job, since you will not be hired back if your work is riddled with errors. But, if you are fast, accurate, and efficient, your skills will be in demand and you can earn a good income with a steady stream of at-home work assignments.
Many people wonder if home typing jobs are legitimate opportunities, or whether these are scams. This is a legitimate concern. As it happens, there are honest offers out there, as well as scams or jobs that pay so little they may as well be scams. This is why it's so important to be able to separate honest offers from bogus ones when evaluating a typing job.
Your first tip off is that any service that claims to provide you with exclusive, insider knowledge on how to make thousands per week typing from home is a scam. These bogus services charge you all sorts of fees to reveal this 'secret' knowledge that is supposed to lead you on a sure path to success. There's really no reason to pay for any of this information, since most all of it can be found for free on the internet, on message boards, and blogs. So, steer clear of services that make you pay a fee for information on how to become a typist.
What you should do instead is look for job postings, freelance bid sites, online forums and freelance communities where you'll find legitimate ads from those seeking your services. If you see a listing that specifies the job requirements and level of pay, the listing is more likely to be legitimate. Someone who truly wants a job done and posts the specifications without requiring upfront pay is probably not a scammer. Try working with these types of clients, and look for listings on well known, respectable websites.
A final word of advice: when you first begin, start our slowly and gradually build your workload. It's important not to take on more work than you can handle. If you get behind, or rush and complete your work sloppily, you won't be able to build a good reputation for yourself. Ultimately, building your reputation and skill level is the best way to achieve success in working from home as a typist.
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1:08 PM
Work Accidents
Work Accidents: What to do if You Have an Accident at Work
There are a number of steps you should take following an accident at work. Below is a basic, 5-step checklist to help you to make sure that you gain any assistance you are entitled to following a work accident, and to reduce the likelihood of another similar accident happening in your workplace.
1) Record your injury in the accident book
All employers, other than very small companies, are required to keep an accident book. As an employee, it is in your interest to record any work injury in this book, as it can serve as evidence if you need to make a work accident claim at a later date. The accident book also enables your employer to keep track of problems and to make any changes necessary to prevent future incidents.
2) Make sure serious accidents are reported to the HSE
If an employee suffers a serious injury at work, their employer is required to report it to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). The type of incidents that should be reported include major injuries like broken arms and ribs, as well as any other injury which prevents an employee from doing their normal work for over three days.
The responsibility for reporting the injury rests with your employer, but if you have suffered a serious injury it is best to make sure this has been done.
3) Find out about your rights to accident pay
Your contract or written statement of employment will contain information about sick pay or accident pay. Usually, employees are entitled to statutory sick pay for any time off work due to an accident or sickness. However, your employer may have a scheme for paying extra, or may decide to pay more, according to the nature of the injury you have sustained.
4) Address any health and safety issues
If there is a persistent health and safety issue at work which led to your accident, it is important to make sure it is rectified so that the same thing will not happen to somebody else. Point out any health and safety issues to your employer, or to your employee safety representative. If problems are still not dealt with, you should call the HSE Infoline.
5) Consider making a work accident claim
If you have been injured at work and it wasn’t your fault, it is a good idea to initiate a work accident claim as soon as possible, and it must be within three years of the incident (there are some exceptions to this, such as asbestos poisoning).
You will need a personal injury lawyer to represent you. Personal injury claims can be made through specialist solicitors on a ‘no win, no fee’ basis, meaning that if you lose the case, you will not have to pay any money.
Your employer will be insured against compensation claims, meaning that, if they lose, it is their insurer who will pay out your compensation. It is against the law for your employer to sack you because of a personal injury claim.
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1:06 PM
Saturday, July 11, 2009
I Hated My Job And My Boss
To me it was just hell, coming home and always see my family already sleeping and not spending enough time with my two little kids and a lovely wife...always making excuses and missing all the fun..... I really did hate all of it!
So, I tried a few things and lost a lot of money on different ventures to learn only one thing...get this and you'll get that Scams! The scams do abound and you have to make good choices. I almost gave up if only not for one day when I got an e-mal from a buddy of mine who I haven't heard in ages, it was an email that changed my life completely! This is something I will never forget and always appreciate.
At the end of his e-mail there was a signature which I'll always remember:
"Your boat will come someday, but just make sure you get on that boat" with a title Automatically Earn $1,000's Online Every 30 Days. It certainly sounded too good to be true but I was curious.
Well, it look like a regular website about home business opportunity, so I said to myself " it's just another scam", but what really got my attention is that they actually offered 6 automated income streams potential with just one website, also he told me that he is no longer working for corporate America and get to do what he always dreamed of - traveling. This sounded like a dream come true bit would it work for me?
In turn he said, when you sign up with them, it's absolutely free and you don't have to pay a cent.
So, I had nothing to loose really, but to give it a test. Besides, me not knowing about how thinks working and without any prior experience in this new field. Yes, I was nervous but I also wondered what could happen if I took a chance, just one more chance.
That's exactly what I did...I sign up with them about 3 months ago and just wanted to give it a test....Well, in about few weeks later and after doing a few promotions over the net I noticed that their formula is really working and after a few upgrades I could see my income just start growing at insane speed and best of all it's all get done on autopilot!
Take a look and I am sure it will change your life too!
Posted by
11:35 PM
How To Find A Job
When I met my friend a couple of weeks back, I asked him how he is faring in his job search. He said he’s doing fine but his down-trodden look gave more than he’s willing to admit. Since we’ve worked together before, I know that my friend is qualified and he has good work ethics as well. But I also know that my friend has difficulties putting his thoughts into written words. Eager to help him find a job, I asked for his resume, purportedly to give someone I know who is hiring. He anxiously gave me one, knowing that I’m up to something.
When I reached the office, I took time off to read his resume and cover letter. While I found these are not badly written as I first thought, I sensed something familiar with the documents. I immediately browsed some internet sites which offer resume and cover letter formats and guides and to my utter disbelief, both documents were directly lifted from one of the sites. The cover letter, specifically, was lifted word-for-word from one published in the internet.
It dawned on me what my friend’s problem was. Recruiters and HR personnel are adept in scanning from a mile away resumes and application letters that are not originally written by applicants. They are familiar with the guides available in the web and they would know if one is lifted fully or even partially from those guides. Thus, when some HR people got hold of my friend’s cover letter and resume, these are at once filed away and forgotten, or worse, thrown directly to the trash bin. The reason therefore why my friend can’t find a job is not because he’s not qualified but because recruiters don’t like the documents he sent them.
I thus got on my computer and re-wrote his resume and application letter, supplying some of the necessary information from memory. I reorganized his resume to highlight his work experiences, skills in computers and his education. I made references to these important job-hunting factors in his cover letter. I even removed an entire paragraph which I found irrelevant in his quest to find a job. I emailed the re-written documents, with a nice message of encouragement. But I didn’t tell him what I found out about his resume.
He called me a few days back to tell me that when he started sending out the new resume and cover letter, he made some real headway. He started getting some positive responses. In fact, he told me that he’s scheduled to be interviewed that day in one of his better prospects. I wished him good luck and I told him I never doubted that in time and given the right tools, he would find a job that he deserves.
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11:35 PM
Legitimate Work At Home Jobs
Everyone has different career goals and interests. For all those career goals and interest there are many work at home jobs for every single career field you can think of. Work at home online opens the door for so many endless possibilities that it is ridiculous if you can’t find one. If you are not finding a work at home opportunity, more than likely you are not investing enough time and research into this. At home work is very easy to find and most of the time pays almost double than going into an office. When you work at home, the employer is paying no rent on the building, no office equipment, office supplies, etc… to fund the business. This means that your employer can spend much more money on your salary compensation. If you don’t trust to work at home you can try part time work at home until you believe in it. There are endless opportunities out there trust me. I found mine around 2 years ago. I started make money work at home full time and gave up my 9-5 office job. It was the absolute best thing I could have ever done in my entire life. I now make over 6 figures working from home and I am able to watch my kids at the same time as I work. It is truly a great feeling and you do not miss out on your children growing up. They will grow up before you know it and be gone. You need to find a honest work at home job opportunity and stick with it. Once you find this opportunity it is easy sailing from here. All you need after that is focus, hard-work, and determination. If you possess these 3 characteristics you are going a long way in the work at home career field. I wish you the best of luck!
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11:35 PM
Main Advantages Of Working At Home
There are numerous advantages of working at home over office work or working for someone else. It is because of these advantages that a lot of people are now deciding to earn their living from the work at home market. Most people would love to become their own boss more than anything else and working at home provides this you this opportunity, along with other benefits. Let us discuss three main benefits you will get if you decide to start working at home.
Firstly, let us talk about the freedom. Although being your own boss and working at home involves huge responsibility, it also offers a lot of freedom. The home business entrepreneur has the freedom to organize the most convenient schedules for their needs.
Instead of having to organize their life to revolve around their work, they can organize their work to revolve around their life. Life is no longer dictated by work as it is when working at the office. Because of the freedom, people who work at home report that they are happier than ever before.
Secondly, when you work at home you have complete control. You only do the things that you desire to do. The buck stops with you and you do not answer to anyone else. Having complete control implies that you can decide how much you want to earn.
Your income potential depends purely on you in most of the work at home ventures. Since you have control over your income, you can therefore make far more money than you would with a regular day job where you income is generally limited and determined by your boss.
The next benefit to consider for choosing to work at home is security. A lot of people do not consider this major advantage. Infact, most people actually think that working at home is less secure than outside work. But the fact is that since you are in control, you have more job security.
You can make choices on whom to deal with in your business. You can expand your client base so that you have several clients. If your business with one ends, you have others fall back on. It is quite easy to build a secure home business since you are in charge of your own security.
When you consider these major advantages, you would agree that working at home is well worth the effort. There is simply so much to gain with having your own home business over a regular job. For many of those who have experienced the benefits of working at home, it would be very difficult to step back into the usual working world.
This is because they have tasted the freedom, security and complete control that is offered by working at home. It is not hard to understand why they would feel this way. In the normal working situation, you have little control over anything and someone else is fully in charge.
That is why there is a lot of stress among such working class people. But if you take a careful look at the benefits you would see that working at home presents an excellent opportunity for you to reach your highest potential with the freedom and control at your disposal.
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11:34 PM
Work At Home For Your Financial Freedom
It seems that the people with the money are the people that keep getting more and more money – and the people who are working the hardest at their jobs are the ones that either are not able to make ends meet with the money they make – or are the ones who have to go from job to job because of insecure job structures. It is hard to make ends meet, whether on an hourly rate job or even on a salary job, because every day it seems that things are getting more expensive. A person has to use their car to get to work, but gas keeps getting more expensive, while their salaries are not going up by much at all each year.
Those that work hourly jobs are finding that they are unable to make ends meet, and end up working more and more hours, two or even three or more jobs just to be able to pay their bills – which are also getting more expensive. Something got to be done to overcome the crunch, and even a small work at home position is something that will benefit just about everyone. Financial freedom isn't as far away as you might think it is.
The subprime mortgage crisis is something that is absolutely terrifying for anyone trying to make it in the financial world today. This is an ongoing economic problem that has manifested itself through issues. The main manifestation of the subprime issue is the liquidity issues that have been happening in the banking industry. This is due to the foreclosures that have been happen. In fact, more foreclosures began to happen in 2006 and actually triggered and entire global financial crisis during 2007 and 2008.
The economy is suffering. Gas will soon be over 4.00 a gallon in places where it is not yet that high. A gallon of milk is more than 3 dollars, and in some places the minimum wage is still under $7 an hour. People cannot find a way to make ends meet with these rising costs, and with hourly rates that are not increasing at all.
The declining economic system might seem bad when you look at it, or hear about it on the news . You might be wondering how many more hours you can squeeze in at work without damaging your relationship with your spouse – or you might desperately be looking for a job before your next round of bills is due. However, there are some ways that you can face the economic crisis without giving up your freedom. You can expand your income source, so that you can face the declining economy with even increased financial freedoms.
Doesn't seem possible? It certainly is. Working form home is something that most people have only heard of and most don't think that it can be for them. However, with a little bit of research, and a little bit of planning, you can work from home to supplement the income that you already have – and you can continue to live at your standard or even better, no matter what happens in the economy. Financial freedom can be yours, no matter what's going on in the world around you.
There are lots of ways that you can take your current situation and use a work at home opportunity in order to create your own financial freedom. The first thing that you should do is consult your own business and your boss. Sometimes you don't get as many hours in as you would like and have to be forced to take smaller pay, because of family commitments or other things. Ask your boss if there are things that you can do from home, in order to still get paid just as much as you have been, or even more, without having to be in the office longer. A lot of bosses want to keep good employees around, and will be willing to work with you. You can save some time and gas money by doing your own work from home sometimes, and this will also help you achieve financial freedom.
However, the best way to actually find your own financial freedom is to work with yourself on some work at home opportunities that you can do aside from your regular job. There are lots of things that you can do online – whether it is freelance work, or other types of opportunities. These are things that you can do in your spare time, or even after you've put the kids to bed at night. This can be additional income, on top of the money you are currently making at your job. With this income, you will be able to pay off credit cards or student loans, and hopefully end up with a little bit extra left at the end of the month.
No matter what your field of expertise is, or how you choose to use it, you will be able to find things to do from home. Start by doing a search for internet options. For instance, if you are a photographer, look for places that will hire you to work from home on side projects. If you can write, look for writer options. There are plenty of things that you can find for yourself, in order to finally achieve your financial freedom, no matter what the world outside is doing.
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11:33 PM
Data Entry Jobs
Data entry jobs related to typing are the most common. Almost any subject and genre of business has need for typing working. Many of these jobs are easily commissioned out to home workers. The most needed credentials are attention to detail, a good command of English language, structure, punctuation and spelling and absolute accuracy in the above areas as well. Typing jobs sent to home workers come from small businesses who don't have enough work to warrant hiring an employee. They also come from large businesses that have learned the economic advantages to contract work. Many businesses of all sizes can realize advantages through contracting typing work and other data entry projects.
Another of the data entry jobs which are able to be transported to home based businesses is that of editing previously typed or prepared materials for accuracy. Even the most careful typist will occasionally make syntax errors or punctuation errors that are difficult to perceive when reading back over the typed work. However, if an editor looks at the work, such errors usually jump out at the reader. For work that is critically important for accuracy, an editor can be employed to review previously completed work for accuracy and completeness. Every company wants finished written products under the name of the company to be something to be proud of.
Data entry jobs in the statistical field usually go to home based workers who are fast on a calculator or keyboard. These jobs often involve entering names and addresses in a database or making revisions to existing database fields. As may be expected, absolute accuracy is of critical importance in this type of work. Sometimes the entries are done twice by different workers and then the work is checked through a merge and correct software program to further ensure accuracy. If you are the type of worker who wants a little excitement in your project, this kind of work may not work well for you, since it tends to be routine and repetitive.
If you are good at typing and familiar with syntax and spelling in the English language, transcription data entry jobs may be just the answer for you. A transcriptionist listens to recorded audio or video materials and types out what is being said so that there is a written record of the spoken word. Transcription of radio shows or interviews and of teleseminar conferences and calls are becoming quite common amongst marketing experts. Transcription typists are paid either by the audio hour or by the typewritten page and can do quite well financially in preparing such material.
Data entry jobs in the medical field are highly specialized. This is because there are so many medical terms that may be unfamiliar to the general public. A misspelling in a medical term can create all sorts of legal and medical entanglements. These workers usually are responsible for transcribing case notes that have been dictated by medical professionals and serve as a written documentation of patient care and diagnosis.
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11:33 PM
5 Biggest Challenges To Working At Home
Challenge #1
There is a lot of freedom when working at home and that means being able to manage time efficiently is very important. It can be easy to let time get away. It is also easy to underestimate how long a task or job will take and not allot enough time to get it done. To keep time from being a challenge a person should develop a schedule and be sure to schedule both work and free time.
Challenge #2
Many times family and friends do not take working at home seriously which can lead to problems with boundaries. It can be hard to tell someone ‘I am working’ and actually get them to understand and accept it. To help with boundary issues a person should set up a work at home area that is specifically for work. When in the work area no personal phones calls or interruptions should be tolerated.
Challenge #3
Too much independence
Working at home is about freedom, but being too independent can lead to problems. Everyone needs interaction with others.
One of the perks of working outside the home is interacting with other people. When a person works at home it can be easy to withdraw into that world and forget about the outside world.
The outside world is important, though. Networking is huge part of working at home success. Every person who works at home should find some type of online environment to belong to and be able to escape to during the work day just to relax.
Challenge #4
Being out of the loop
This kind of goes with independence. Being out of the loop means not staying informed. Working at home is about staying informed and knowing what is going on in the industry in which you are working.
A person should be a part of online groups and other communities that will give them information they should know.
Challenge #5
Lack of support
As mentioned before, sometimes family and friends will not be supportive. It is common for them to not believe a person is really working and that they are just messing around.
The way to combat this is to show them what is going on. A person should show what they do, how much money they make and make it clear that this is a real job.
These five challenges are going to be an issue for almost everyone who works at home. They are challenges that can be overcome, though, so they should never lead to a person giving up on working at home.
Challenges will just make a person a better worker and teach them important skills they need to survive in the work at home environment.
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11:32 PM
Blog Archive
08/16 - 08/23
- The Fun of Game Testing Jobs
- Getting a Job as a 2010 Census Taker
- Protect Your Employees With Background Searches
- How To Find A Nursing Job That Isn't In A Hospital
- Work At Home Jobs Are The Way Of The Future
- Getting A Job In Today's Christian Radio Broadcasting
- Sports Radio Jobs – A New Horizon To Explore
07/12 - 07/19
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- How To Flip A House
- What Is Telecommuting?
- Examples Of Telecommuting Jobs
- Where To Find Online Job Applications
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- When Your Professional Experience Is Lacking
- New Millennium Job Seeking Formats
- All About Freelance Public Relations Jobs
- Finding an Online Job
- Questions to be Asked at a Job Interview
- Work at Home Typing
- Work Accidents
08/16 - 08/23