Do you love video games? You have probably spent some time daydreaming about working in the gaming industry in game testing jobs. This may seem like it is just a dream, but there are actually people who do just that. There are jobs available to test the games and help those video game manufacturers perfect their games before they hit the market.
The job is much more than just playing games all day. You would actually be performing a great service to the video gaming industry. The programmers who create the games that are sold on the market, must have the input of actual players to find the bugs, understand how the game is perceived by a player and make changes that will help the game to be more successful.
How many times have you played a video game and wondered why a certain bug wasn’t found or why they didn’t change a certain aspect to make the game more fun? This type of thinking is exactly what the gaming industry needs. The opinions of those who are familiar with video games can help the gaming industry make the games that the public will want.
There are some things that you can do to get in on this industry. The first thing that you have to do is understand what the gaming industry is looking for in their testers. You should be able to provide the programmers with valuable information. It is much more than simply saying that you either liked or disliked the game. You should be able to explain why you did or did not enjoy the game.
The programmers are also interested in creating a game that is challenging to experienced gamers. You can provide the video game company with information on how long it took you to get through the game and how difficult you found it to be. This will help the programmer determine if there is more that they could do to make the game more challenging or if an extensive guide book will be needed to get through the game.
Game testing jobs are out there if you know where to look for them. First find out what you need to get started in this lucrative field. The information is available to help you get started with your new career choice. Many people are earning a good living doing what they love to do.
Your career choice should be centered on something that you enjoy doing and game tester jobs can provide you with hours of entertainment and a paycheck at the same time. Those who are lucky enough to work in jobs that they love often are more successful and earn a better living than someone who does a job simply for the paycheck. That is why game testing jobs can be your ticket to success. Research the field and find out what the video game companies are looking for in their testers. Once you have the tools that you need to get started in this fascinating career choice, you can begin living the life of someone who loves what they do and gets paid handsomely for it.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
The Fun of Game Testing Jobs
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2:53 PM
Getting a Job as a 2010 Census Taker
Chris Apicella
Every 4 years, the United States government takes an official tally of the number of residents in each town, city, county and state in the US. This information is used primarily for determining the number of representatives each state and county is allotted by the federal government. But today, there is much more to the census than counting heads. The information is used to determine funding for a large number of state and federal programs, such as public school funding. The demographic data provides a goldmine of information for businesses and marketers as well.
A census taker's job provides a great opportunity for anyone looking for a temporary or part time job, or students looking for summer employment to get a good paying job with flexible time and hours, working with people, and knowing you are contributing a very important process dating back to the founding of the United States of America! An army of paid workers is needed to travel down each street and alley, and look in every nook and cranny to ensure that no individual is missed. President Obama's strong interest in the outcome of the census provides all the more reason to believe that the 2010 census will be better funded, and employ more people than any before in history. The interviewing for census taker jobs in 2010 will start in the fall of 2009. If you want to get one of these jobs, you need to be prepared.
Preparation Steps:
1. Visit the Census Jobs Web Page
The census has a dedicated web page for people who are interested in taking up a census job.
This page is updated with the latest census job information available.
2. Understand what knowledge will be expected.
Like many civil service jobs, there is an exam you must pass. The exam test basic competency in math and reading skills, reading maps, Interpreting information and evaluating alternatives, and organizational skills. There is a practice test available on the census jobs web site
3. Check the opportunities available at regional Census field offices.
The census bureau has 12 regional field offices located in Atlanta, Boston, Charlotte, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Detroit, Kansas city, Los Angeles, New York, Philadelphia and Seattle. Each regional district covers an area of several states. Go to the regional field offices main page and click on the us map to find your particular census district field office. It may in fact be locates outside your state! For example, the California is split into two districts with a field office in Los Angeles for Southern California, and a field office in Seattle! The local field office employment pages will list specific job opportunities within the district as well as phone number and other information for ongoing survey and field work positions. There is a lot of other useful information available at the regional field office pages as well.
Bilingual Skills give you an edge.
Know more than one language fluently? this may give you a great opportunity to get a leg-up on the hiring. Part of the census mandate is to encourage participation of non-english speaking residents, who will need the help of someone who understands their native language well. Because of the diverse nature of American population, speakers of all languages are needed.So the more uncommon the language you speak, the more likely your translation services will be needed.
SO if you are looking for some part time employment, of just want to have a flexible job to make some extra money, and meet a lot of people, check out the US Census Bureau, they may have a job that is perfect for you!
Census Job Opportunity Page:
Sample Census Taker Test:
Census Field Office Main Page:
Useful Phone Numbers:
2010 Decennial Field & Local Census Office Positions: 1- 877- 471- 5432
Ongoing Surveys: 1- 888-722-8995
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2:53 PM
Protect Your Employees With Background Searches
Convincing yourself to run background checks on people applying for your company may seem such a difficult decision. A background check may seem to benefit you company. You are protected from lawsuits resulting from negligent hiring as well as making sure that you hired trusted employees. On the other hand, you may think that you are being unfair to the other party. First is that it seems that you are invading their privacy and second is that the negative things which may be written on the records may drive you to make decisions such as not hiring them at all.
If you are concerned with these issues, you do not need to worry because even if you are not aware of it, there are actually guidelines in conducting these pre-employment background searches. The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) has provided guidelines which need to be followed when doing background searches on applicants. These set of guidelines provide the applicants with protection when it comes to the misuse of the information obtained in these searches particularly outright rejection based on the results. There are forms which must be signed by the applicants prior to the background search. With these, you are now able to control any decisions you make when it comes to the hiring process.
An Adverse Action is basically not hiring an applicant because of the results of the background check. This is seen as a harsh decision to do, but in reality, there have been numerous cases of this happening to employees. The FCRA has already set guidelines which protects the applicants from adverse action. Companies need to give applicants an Adverse Action Letter to notify the applicants of your decision and attached to it are the search results. The applicants are given the right to disagree with the search done by the pre-employment background screening company. They can even demand for a recheck if they think that the information attached is inaccurate.
The good thing about the guidelines set by the FCRA is that if the applicant has been proven to have been screened with inaccurate information, they will be given a second chance. The company should run another background check with accurate information and make the decision based on the new set of information found.
Companies must not neglect the importance of the Adverse Action letter since it provides a systematic rejection of the applicant. This will save the company from lawsuits and will ensure that they are following the guidelines set by the FCRA. If you think that you are being unfair when doing background checks, then you may need to think twice. The FCRA has already been made to ensure that there are no unfair decisions made for employees. You will be able to have a basis in making the right decisions. Plus there is a proper procedure in actually rejecting an applicant which makes things a lot easier. This is not solely based on personal opinion. This is a fair way of deciding whether the applicant should be hired or not.
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2:52 PM
How To Find A Nursing Job That Isn't In A Hospital
Brent McNutt
A profession marked by its ever increasing shortage, nursing has started to feel the impact of the rise in unemployment. About to graduate from their programs, many nursing students are anxious and unsure about landing their first job. With hiring freezes and an influx of more experienced nurses applying for entry level jobs because they have been let go, the job search has become another hurdle in the lives of nursing students. However, it may be because of where the search is being focused.
Most people assume that hospitals or doctors’ offices are the best places to find employment. In reality, since this is where most people will be looking, your chances lessen to find a job you’d want. You’d be surprised at the number of facilities and companies that need nurses on their staff.
Insurance Companies. Go to any major insurance company’s website and you’ll find numerous positions requiring a nursing degree. Specifically, case management is one of these categories. A case manager assesses a member’s clinical needs and authorizes the required services. For example, if a member’s daughter had an eating disorder and wished to seek residential treatment, a case manager would be called by an admissions team from the chosen facility. The case manager is responsible of assessing that this is the appropriate facility and continues to monitor the patient’s progress while subsequently authorizing more treatment if needed.
Medical writing. If you have a knack for the written word and a nursing degree, you can bring your expertise to a freelance writing career. Magazines are always looking for articles written by knowledgeable sources and would welcome submissions on an array of topics. From a nurses’ perspective of a hospitals infrastructure to the best ways to care for a newborn infant, informational articles sell rapidly when they cover any health-related topic. Articles are either paid for per word or with a per article fee. Freelance writing can also help to supplement a part-time income.
Pharmaceutical sales. Nurses are needed in this area to educated and promote new and existing products to fellow medical professionals. Positions at companies selling medical equipment and medications require nurses to cover a broad geographic area as well has an increasing product base. Opportunities for this type of employment can be found by conducting an internet search of pharmaceutical companies and searching their job postings.
Government and legal arena. The government at national, state and city levels has a need for nurses. Whether to assist a government funded pre-natal care program to working for the State Department of Health, jobs for nurses are plentiful. Government careers allow nurses to step out and take a more educational approach and enjoy a change of environment.
Hopefully the job search seems a little less dire when considering all the new and overlooked areas employment is found. More positions can be found in other areas not mentioned in this article such as schools, prisons and medical answering services. Keep an open mind and try to think of others. Happy hunting!
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2:51 PM
Work At Home Jobs Are The Way Of The Future
Working from home has long been the dream of many professionals, stay-at-home parents and retirees in search of supplemental income. Once thought of as a luxury that was out of reach for most, establishing an income from home by creating a self-directed career or taking advantage of growing opportunities for online jobs is now a viable employment option and is quickly increasing in popularity. As access to work at home opportunities increases and a number of factors affect our ability and desire to work outside of the home, working from home and establishing an online income is quickly becoming the way of the future.
Online work comes in many forms these days and is now accessible to anyone with a computer, an Internet connection and the motivation to succeed in a self-styled online career with the benefits of being your own boss and setting your own schedule. With major companies declaring bankruptcy and announcing large-scale layoffs on a regular basis, even full-time employees with well-established careers are now searching for stability in alternative work environments. The current economic downturn has also affected small businesses in every industry, leaving former long-term employees and business owners struggling to make ends meet and searching for ways to make money online with work at home jobs.
Another reason many people are forgoing the traditional career route and opting for work at home employment is the growing concern for the environment and increasing efforts to limit our personal environmental impacts by taking steps to go green. When you choose to make an income working from home, you immediately have the opportunity to lower your carbon footprint and decrease your negative impact on the environment by not commuting to an offsite job location, eating more meals at home, lowering your consumerism by limiting your need for work clothes and establishing a situation where you are directly in charge of the amount of energy, paper, office supplies or other items that you use.
The key to succeeding in online jobs and making online work work for you is to acquire the knowledge and skills you need to establish a steady online income that will meet your and your family’s needs and allow for continued growth. The first step, of course, is to be able to recognize a good opportunity when you see it and avoid wasting time and money on companies that offer false promises with little to no return. With the vast number of work at home scams, it is easy to get caught up in get rich quick schemes that do not work and will cost you more money than you will ever make from them.
Real work at home opportunities require real effort and motivation, as well as the right knowledge and skills. Acquiring the knowledge and skill set you need to succeed in online employment is absolutely essential to establishing a steady income and ensuring your success working from home. This is why so many successful Internet entrepreneurs first turned to private clubs and websites, like, that offer step by step instructions on how to establish an online income working from home to acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to get ahead and to build a solid foundation for their success.
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2:51 PM
Getting A Job In Today's Christian Radio Broadcasting
What are Christian Radio jobs?
Radio broadcasting jobs are evolving and presently it has grown to a status of reaching to millions of people across the globe, thanks to the advancement in the Radio broadcasting techniques and its proper use in reaching to the varied community of people all through the world. Christian Radio broadcasting offers the spectacular opportunity of spreading the Christian ideologies and God’s words across the people and makes them spiritually advanced. I heard many people talking about Christian Radio Job Opportunities. However, none of them is very clear about what are all opportunities available in a Christian Radio Broadcasting Job arena. Are they like usual radio broadcasting efforts? These Radio jobs are very distinctive. These jobs promote the idea of spirituality. The people who work on this field spread God’s words across the globe, reaching out to the echelon community of radio users.
Promoting Christian Values…
What are all you can do through Radio in spreading Christianity? One of the opportunities is the advertising in Radio, which effectively reaches the masses. The advertisement broadcasting need to be centered around the Biblical concepts, effective use of Biblical concepts in daily life and all broadcasting need to be attractive, cheerful, easily understandable and effective in promoting the Christian values. Beautifully knitted and edited advertisements are the cheapest and best method of reaching audience through Radio broadcasting.
Spiritual Consultancy
Offering spiritual consultancy is one another avenue in Radio broadcasting services for propagating Christianity and its values. It can be like online (through phone) question answer sessions. In the present world of unrest, stress and strain, there are many sisters and brothers who look for good spiritual consultancy services. Radio Broadcasting is the best medium for these types of God’s wishes. The same way through Radio, one can offer Christian and biblical based counseling for the needed. This will give the excellent opportunity of teaching the masses how to lead a meaningful Christian Life, how to come up with the challenges facing the society through spirituality and bringing together many unbelievers into the umbrella of believers. Radio Broadcasting Services are God’s gift in this way.
If you are looking for dedicated audiences in Christian Radio Broadcasting, presenting the Bible stories with all its charm, beauty and moral is the best way for this. This will bring dedicated listeners especially from the children, who are the best stuff to hear God’s words. The Christian Radio Broadcasting Jobs offer the great chance of work on people from all categories. The mass among which you work can be followers of Christianity and non-followers also. You can get them the basic ideas, how to lead a good Christian life, what are the essence of Christianity and biblical symbols. I will advise you to use all the most modern broadcasting techniques to reach to common people and make them spiritually wealthy.
Moreover, the Christian Radio broadcasting opportunities benefits you to get some extra income; you will feel that this is the apt place to work in this celebrity area of Radio Broadcasting.
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2:51 PM
Sports Radio Jobs – A New Horizon To Explore
With advent of Radio broadcasting system and its amazing growth, primarily due to the exploded growth in the audiences, made Radio broadcasting as a major field in Media industry. The renewed interest in sports activities world over, brings cheers to Radio broadcasting services as they can offer pretty nice sports programs through Radio broadcasting, term it as sports casting. This sports casting is financially rewarding for the right people. Presently many Radio broadcasting services have been started dedicated to only sports related programs. These Sports Radio Broadcasting services attract many sports loving audiences and their ratings are growing day by day. These Sports Radio broadcasting services offer many job opportunities for right people.
To be successful in any field, one requires the basic knowledge of the area in which they excel. It requires lots of talents, hard work, dedication and much more understanding the changing world scenario. One of the job opportunities in Sports Radio is the excellent opportunity of Newsman/ woman, as it is simply news reading one need to have the ability to speak nicely in good voice, with proper pitching of the sounds, ups and downs.
The Skills you must have
A talented sport person can avail for the opportunity of commentator; this is a very tough job. It is unlike the TV commentator, TV commentator need to speak very less only, the video and visuals running parallel will keep the viewers in front of TV. Nevertheless, a sport casting in Radio is entirely different. You should able to make the audience to sit through full period of sports activity listening you. Unless the listeners get a feeling of minute-by-minute happenings in the field, the details you provide should act like visuals passing through the mind of the listener. Listener need to get the feeling of seeing the sports activity just in front of them, without missing ant instants.
To be successful in this job opportunity, you should be well equipped with origin of the sports, history, statistics and recent achievements. You need to be a prolific speaker, very good command over language, good voice musical toned, standing jokes and much more. Controlling your emotions plays a major part in your success are a sportscaster. The sports casting jobs in Radio bring you good revenue and much needed celebrity status. You will be known as an expert among the audiences.
Different Roles involved
If you are sports enthusiast and like to promote sports, you can be crew member of the sports program produced for broadcasting in Radio. You can be producer, director, assistants, presenter, interviewer and any such jobs of a crew. Interviewing renowned sports icons is fantastic, not only you get a chance to spend good time with a celebrity but also you can get a close peep into their behavior, culture, mannerisms and charisma. The audience will be benefiting from these types of interviews.
The Sports radio Jobs are like any other jobs in Radio broadcasting, with the unique feature of knowing specially the in and out of sports activities, sports celebrities, history and origin of sports. Many opportunities await you in this growing field. If you have mastered the craft of Radio broadcasting and if you have all fundamental requisites for sportscasting, no need to worry go ahead and make a career in Sports radio broadcasting.
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2:49 PM
Blog Archive
08/16 - 08/23
- The Fun of Game Testing Jobs
- Getting a Job as a 2010 Census Taker
- Protect Your Employees With Background Searches
- How To Find A Nursing Job That Isn't In A Hospital
- Work At Home Jobs Are The Way Of The Future
- Getting A Job In Today's Christian Radio Broadcasting
- Sports Radio Jobs – A New Horizon To Explore
- ► 07/12 - 07/19 (14)
- ► 07/05 - 07/12 (20)
08/16 - 08/23