Saturday, July 11, 2009

I Hated My Job And My Boss

It was just a life where you feel like a slave working 50-60 hours a week and making my boss richer day after day. Telling me what to do and seems to be never happy with my performance, even though I tried to give him my whole 150% Of cause, how could I forget the greatest bonus that I'd always get on Thanksgiving a $20.00 card to get me nice and juicy turkey...not bad for a whole year appreciation for all my hard work...for crying out loud. This was not an experience that left a good taste in my mouth or in my billfold!

To me it was just hell, coming home and always see my family already sleeping and not spending enough time with my two little kids and a lovely wife...always making excuses and missing all the fun..... I really did hate all of it!

So, I tried a few things and lost a lot of money on different ventures to learn only one thing...get this and you'll get that Scams! The scams do abound and you have to make good choices. I almost gave up if only not for one day when I got an e-mal from a buddy of mine who I haven't heard in ages, it was an email that changed my life completely! This is something I will never forget and always appreciate.

At the end of his e-mail there was a signature which I'll always remember:

"Your boat will come someday, but just make sure you get on that boat" with a title Automatically Earn $1,000's Online Every 30 Days. It certainly sounded too good to be true but I was curious.

Well, it look like a regular website about home business opportunity, so I said to myself " it's just another scam", but what really got my attention is that they actually offered 6 automated income streams potential with just one website, also he told me that he is no longer working for corporate America and get to do what he always dreamed of - traveling. This sounded like a dream come true bit would it work for me?

In turn he said, when you sign up with them, it's absolutely free and you don't have to pay a cent.

So, I had nothing to loose really, but to give it a test. Besides, me not knowing about how thinks working and without any prior experience in this new field. Yes, I was nervous but I also wondered what could happen if I took a chance, just one more chance.

That's exactly what I did...I sign up with them about 3 months ago and just wanted to give it a test....Well, in about few weeks later and after doing a few promotions over the net I noticed that their formula is really working and after a few upgrades I could see my income just start growing at insane speed and best of all it's all get done on autopilot!

Take a look and I am sure it will change your life too!

How To Find A Job

My friend has been trying to find a job for weeks. His money in the bank is fast running out, credit card bills are mounting and even his car payments are two months overdue. Desperate to find a job, he’d scanned all known job postings in the internet and the local paper and asked for help from friends. He sends out his resume in a veritable mailing-list that would shame the mailing catalog of some newsletters. But he still can’t find a job.

When I met my friend a couple of weeks back, I asked him how he is faring in his job search. He said he’s doing fine but his down-trodden look gave more than he’s willing to admit. Since we’ve worked together before, I know that my friend is qualified and he has good work ethics as well. But I also know that my friend has difficulties putting his thoughts into written words. Eager to help him find a job, I asked for his resume, purportedly to give someone I know who is hiring. He anxiously gave me one, knowing that I’m up to something.

When I reached the office, I took time off to read his resume and cover letter. While I found these are not badly written as I first thought, I sensed something familiar with the documents. I immediately browsed some internet sites which offer resume and cover letter formats and guides and to my utter disbelief, both documents were directly lifted from one of the sites. The cover letter, specifically, was lifted word-for-word from one published in the internet.

It dawned on me what my friend’s problem was. Recruiters and HR personnel are adept in scanning from a mile away resumes and application letters that are not originally written by applicants. They are familiar with the guides available in the web and they would know if one is lifted fully or even partially from those guides. Thus, when some HR people got hold of my friend’s cover letter and resume, these are at once filed away and forgotten, or worse, thrown directly to the trash bin. The reason therefore why my friend can’t find a job is not because he’s not qualified but because recruiters don’t like the documents he sent them.

I thus got on my computer and re-wrote his resume and application letter, supplying some of the necessary information from memory. I reorganized his resume to highlight his work experiences, skills in computers and his education. I made references to these important job-hunting factors in his cover letter. I even removed an entire paragraph which I found irrelevant in his quest to find a job. I emailed the re-written documents, with a nice message of encouragement. But I didn’t tell him what I found out about his resume.

He called me a few days back to tell me that when he started sending out the new resume and cover letter, he made some real headway. He started getting some positive responses. In fact, he told me that he’s scheduled to be interviewed that day in one of his better prospects. I wished him good luck and I told him I never doubted that in time and given the right tools, he would find a job that he deserves.

Legitimate Work At Home Jobs

Everyone today is trying to find legitimate work at home jobs. Did you know on average you spend at least 2-3 hours a day commuting to and from work when you could be using that time to spend with your family? There are many work at home opportunities out there waiting for you to take. When you take your real work at home jobs you must have lots of discipline. If you easily get distracted or lack discipline, real work at home jobs may not be fore you. There are many work at home companies out there with many work at home careers that all you need is an internet connection and a computer. Everyone dreams to find the perfect work at home opportunity. It is challenging to find this work at home opportunity, but very rewarding at the same time once you find it. Many people want to know what the top work at home jobs are and want to know how to be a work at home agent. The answer is simple, be an entrepreneur, be creative, and your legitimate work at home job will come to you.

Everyone has different career goals and interests. For all those career goals and interest there are many work at home jobs for every single career field you can think of. Work at home online opens the door for so many endless possibilities that it is ridiculous if you can’t find one. If you are not finding a work at home opportunity, more than likely you are not investing enough time and research into this. At home work is very easy to find and most of the time pays almost double than going into an office. When you work at home, the employer is paying no rent on the building, no office equipment, office supplies, etc… to fund the business. This means that your employer can spend much more money on your salary compensation. If you don’t trust to work at home you can try part time work at home until you believe in it. There are endless opportunities out there trust me. I found mine around 2 years ago. I started make money work at home full time and gave up my 9-5 office job. It was the absolute best thing I could have ever done in my entire life. I now make over 6 figures working from home and I am able to watch my kids at the same time as I work. It is truly a great feeling and you do not miss out on your children growing up. They will grow up before you know it and be gone. You need to find a honest work at home job opportunity and stick with it. Once you find this opportunity it is easy sailing from here. All you need after that is focus, hard-work, and determination. If you possess these 3 characteristics you are going a long way in the work at home career field. I wish you the best of luck!

Main Advantages Of Working At Home

Many people are interested in the idea of working at home. But some people think that this is impossible. A lot of the time, it’s hard to understand exactly what can be gained by working at home. But if you look closely, you would discover that it’s a very satisfying and profitable experience, and once you start enjoying the benefits, you will never desire to do anything else.

There are numerous advantages of working at home over office work or working for someone else. It is because of these advantages that a lot of people are now deciding to earn their living from the work at home market. Most people would love to become their own boss more than anything else and working at home provides this you this opportunity, along with other benefits. Let us discuss three main benefits you will get if you decide to start working at home.

Firstly, let us talk about the freedom. Although being your own boss and working at home involves huge responsibility, it also offers a lot of freedom. The home business entrepreneur has the freedom to organize the most convenient schedules for their needs.

Instead of having to organize their life to revolve around their work, they can organize their work to revolve around their life. Life is no longer dictated by work as it is when working at the office. Because of the freedom, people who work at home report that they are happier than ever before.

Secondly, when you work at home you have complete control. You only do the things that you desire to do. The buck stops with you and you do not answer to anyone else. Having complete control implies that you can decide how much you want to earn.

Your income potential depends purely on you in most of the work at home ventures. Since you have control over your income, you can therefore make far more money than you would with a regular day job where you income is generally limited and determined by your boss.

The next benefit to consider for choosing to work at home is security. A lot of people do not consider this major advantage. Infact, most people actually think that working at home is less secure than outside work. But the fact is that since you are in control, you have more job security.

You can make choices on whom to deal with in your business. You can expand your client base so that you have several clients. If your business with one ends, you have others fall back on. It is quite easy to build a secure home business since you are in charge of your own security.

When you consider these major advantages, you would agree that working at home is well worth the effort. There is simply so much to gain with having your own home business over a regular job. For many of those who have experienced the benefits of working at home, it would be very difficult to step back into the usual working world.

This is because they have tasted the freedom, security and complete control that is offered by working at home. It is not hard to understand why they would feel this way. In the normal working situation, you have little control over anything and someone else is fully in charge.

That is why there is a lot of stress among such working class people. But if you take a careful look at the benefits you would see that working at home presents an excellent opportunity for you to reach your highest potential with the freedom and control at your disposal.

Work At Home For Your Financial Freedom

Today's financial situation is absolutely critical for anyone living and working in the market. It is absolutely urgent that a person learns how to make it in the world on their own, and the market is not something that anyone can rely on.

It seems that the people with the money are the people that keep getting more and more money – and the people who are working the hardest at their jobs are the ones that either are not able to make ends meet with the money they make – or are the ones who have to go from job to job because of insecure job structures. It is hard to make ends meet, whether on an hourly rate job or even on a salary job, because every day it seems that things are getting more expensive. A person has to use their car to get to work, but gas keeps getting more expensive, while their salaries are not going up by much at all each year.

Those that work hourly jobs are finding that they are unable to make ends meet, and end up working more and more hours, two or even three or more jobs just to be able to pay their bills – which are also getting more expensive. Something got to be done to overcome the crunch, and even a small work at home position is something that will benefit just about everyone. Financial freedom isn't as far away as you might think it is.

The subprime mortgage crisis is something that is absolutely terrifying for anyone trying to make it in the financial world today. This is an ongoing economic problem that has manifested itself through issues. The main manifestation of the subprime issue is the liquidity issues that have been happening in the banking industry. This is due to the foreclosures that have been happen. In fact, more foreclosures began to happen in 2006 and actually triggered and entire global financial crisis during 2007 and 2008.

The economy is suffering. Gas will soon be over 4.00 a gallon in places where it is not yet that high. A gallon of milk is more than 3 dollars, and in some places the minimum wage is still under $7 an hour. People cannot find a way to make ends meet with these rising costs, and with hourly rates that are not increasing at all.

The declining economic system might seem bad when you look at it, or hear about it on the news . You might be wondering how many more hours you can squeeze in at work without damaging your relationship with your spouse – or you might desperately be looking for a job before your next round of bills is due. However, there are some ways that you can face the economic crisis without giving up your freedom. You can expand your income source, so that you can face the declining economy with even increased financial freedoms.

Doesn't seem possible? It certainly is. Working form home is something that most people have only heard of and most don't think that it can be for them. However, with a little bit of research, and a little bit of planning, you can work from home to supplement the income that you already have – and you can continue to live at your standard or even better, no matter what happens in the economy. Financial freedom can be yours, no matter what's going on in the world around you.

There are lots of ways that you can take your current situation and use a work at home opportunity in order to create your own financial freedom. The first thing that you should do is consult your own business and your boss. Sometimes you don't get as many hours in as you would like and have to be forced to take smaller pay, because of family commitments or other things. Ask your boss if there are things that you can do from home, in order to still get paid just as much as you have been, or even more, without having to be in the office longer. A lot of bosses want to keep good employees around, and will be willing to work with you. You can save some time and gas money by doing your own work from home sometimes, and this will also help you achieve financial freedom.

However, the best way to actually find your own financial freedom is to work with yourself on some work at home opportunities that you can do aside from your regular job. There are lots of things that you can do online – whether it is freelance work, or other types of opportunities. These are things that you can do in your spare time, or even after you've put the kids to bed at night. This can be additional income, on top of the money you are currently making at your job. With this income, you will be able to pay off credit cards or student loans, and hopefully end up with a little bit extra left at the end of the month.

No matter what your field of expertise is, or how you choose to use it, you will be able to find things to do from home. Start by doing a search for internet options. For instance, if you are a photographer, look for places that will hire you to work from home on side projects. If you can write, look for writer options. There are plenty of things that you can find for yourself, in order to finally achieve your financial freedom, no matter what the world outside is doing.

Data Entry Jobs

Data entry jobs are among the most prevalent of jobs on the internet for at home workers. They are easy to find, pay well and don't require a lot of investment, equipment or advanced degrees to get started earning.


Data entry jobs related to typing are the most common. Almost any subject and genre of business has need for typing working. Many of these jobs are easily commissioned out to home workers. The most needed credentials are attention to detail, a good command of English language, structure, punctuation and spelling and absolute accuracy in the above areas as well. Typing jobs sent to home workers come from small businesses who don't have enough work to warrant hiring an employee. They also come from large businesses that have learned the economic advantages to contract work. Many businesses of all sizes can realize advantages through contracting typing work and other data entry projects.


Another of the data entry jobs which are able to be transported to home based businesses is that of editing previously typed or prepared materials for accuracy. Even the most careful typist will occasionally make syntax errors or punctuation errors that are difficult to perceive when reading back over the typed work. However, if an editor looks at the work, such errors usually jump out at the reader. For work that is critically important for accuracy, an editor can be employed to review previously completed work for accuracy and completeness. Every company wants finished written products under the name of the company to be something to be proud of.


Data entry jobs in the statistical field usually go to home based workers who are fast on a calculator or keyboard. These jobs often involve entering names and addresses in a database or making revisions to existing database fields. As may be expected, absolute accuracy is of critical importance in this type of work. Sometimes the entries are done twice by different workers and then the work is checked through a merge and correct software program to further ensure accuracy. If you are the type of worker who wants a little excitement in your project, this kind of work may not work well for you, since it tends to be routine and repetitive.


If you are good at typing and familiar with syntax and spelling in the English language, transcription data entry jobs may be just the answer for you. A transcriptionist listens to recorded audio or video materials and types out what is being said so that there is a written record of the spoken word. Transcription of radio shows or interviews and of teleseminar conferences and calls are becoming quite common amongst marketing experts. Transcription typists are paid either by the audio hour or by the typewritten page and can do quite well financially in preparing such material.


Data entry jobs in the medical field are highly specialized. This is because there are so many medical terms that may be unfamiliar to the general public. A misspelling in a medical term can create all sorts of legal and medical entanglements. These workers usually are responsible for transcribing case notes that have been dictated by medical professionals and serve as a written documentation of patient care and diagnosis.

5 Biggest Challenges To Working At Home

Working at home is no piece of cake. Most people understand that, but they do not really get why it can be so challenging. Outlined here are the five biggest challenges to working at home. These challenges will not stop a person from working at home but can cause a lot of problems and ruin any chance for making it in the work at home environment.

Challenge #1

There is a lot of freedom when working at home and that means being able to manage time efficiently is very important. It can be easy to let time get away. It is also easy to underestimate how long a task or job will take and not allot enough time to get it done. To keep time from being a challenge a person should develop a schedule and be sure to schedule both work and free time.

Challenge #2

Many times family and friends do not take working at home seriously which can lead to problems with boundaries. It can be hard to tell someone ‘I am working’ and actually get them to understand and accept it. To help with boundary issues a person should set up a work at home area that is specifically for work. When in the work area no personal phones calls or interruptions should be tolerated.

Challenge #3
Too much independence

Working at home is about freedom, but being too independent can lead to problems. Everyone needs interaction with others.

One of the perks of working outside the home is interacting with other people. When a person works at home it can be easy to withdraw into that world and forget about the outside world.

The outside world is important, though. Networking is huge part of working at home success. Every person who works at home should find some type of online environment to belong to and be able to escape to during the work day just to relax.

Challenge #4
Being out of the loop

This kind of goes with independence. Being out of the loop means not staying informed. Working at home is about staying informed and knowing what is going on in the industry in which you are working.

A person should be a part of online groups and other communities that will give them information they should know.

Challenge #5
Lack of support

As mentioned before, sometimes family and friends will not be supportive. It is common for them to not believe a person is really working and that they are just messing around.

The way to combat this is to show them what is going on. A person should show what they do, how much money they make and make it clear that this is a real job.

These five challenges are going to be an issue for almost everyone who works at home. They are challenges that can be overcome, though, so they should never lead to a person giving up on working at home.
Challenges will just make a person a better worker and teach them important skills they need to survive in the work at home environment.

How To Find A Work From Home Job

The internet has opened up many avenues of locating a good ‘work from home’ opportunity. All you need is good internet connectivity and a space where you can work from. You could tap the various online resources to identify a number of home-business opportunities to earn a living. These online businesses are in no way simple. They too require dedication and drive to increase your home business income. There are a number of ways of going about this – identify the job you plan to handle from home, target resources for connectivity and decide upon your fee. You are then just a click away. Over the internet you have to keep testing and following the trends that occur regularly. You could choose to start your home business income by selling products and services for companies for a commission. You could also try your hand at editing or writing, if you have a natural flair for language. You could also design and learn graphics that could enhance the presentation of your work. The main idea is to increase the home business income by adding customers. There are number of home business income websites that help you to identify good ‘work from home’ opportunities. The Internet is of course the most tapped source of earning money from home and is providing more profitable opportunities than the other identified ways and means. People can now network and be involved in the process of marketing sales of goods online. Now, you can tap the potential of the internet economy by using as much or as little time on the computer and still earn an income. You can be a part of internet marketing, website development, associate programs, online advertising and web marketing.

There are a number of ways in which you can earn from home without working online. You could start a day care centre at home or a crèche or offer to outsource customer service for companies from home. In this way, you can fulfil your desire to increase the family’s income, while still being around for the children when they get back from school. You can earn money from home in a number of different ways. Income formation at home can be sourced and worked upon. In the case of offline businesses, you would have to also consider the required licenses and permission, especially if the work involves employing others and using the home premises extensively. To earn money at home, you can look at freelance writing, blogging, academic paper setting online and offline, tuitions, magazine writing, proof reading, novel editing and website designing. You need to ensure that your business or services are known about and you are able to consistently add to the new customer list. If you are involved in an offline commitment like running a crèche, you need to make sure that people in the neighborhood know about your service. You would need to use your social network to spread the word about your business. In the case of an online business like web designing, you would need to set up a website to present your services online.

Everybody Wants to Be the Boss & Manager on the Job

Everyone wants to be the boss at work on the job. It is as if everyone wants to be chief no one wants to be a plain employee or a worker. Still it’s not a bed of roses at the top.

Well it can be said that while there are troops if not legions of “bad” “poor” or even downright terrible bosses try putting the shoe on the other foot and see it from your manager or supervisor’s viewpoint. Perhaps it would not be so good and easy; if not in a movie you woke up one day, not as an ordinary and standard worker bee and were the actual reigning boss in charge. It might well be a horror movie or at least not too easy and enjoyable day. On the other hand now you might think and ponder perhaps it is different from this perspective. Indeed you might send your employer a most positive, note, memo or letter. Perhaps you might even send your superior a poem.

Those who think that the boss has an all together easy life – full of perks , stop options , time off and total rules of their own seem to play the “if I were or were only the boss” game with great scorn. These employees and underlings daydream and even life in a fantasy land and make believe world that just given both the chance and opportunity how quickly , easily idealistically they would make a most major , distinct importance difference in the workplace both in terms of leadership , fairness , productivity and in the case of for profit companies and industries a better bottom line balance sheet and record of company profit , all the while having the greatest trust and respect of each and every employee working at the firm.

Not only that but these dreamers tend to simply focus solely on the perceived power and powers , influence , prestige and the financial benefits that come with the job of the “boss” be it CEO , general manager , manager , president , owner or whatever varied title the ultimate top of their company or organization has been given , designated or awarded.

Is being the boss as glamorous as varied employees might think or imagine in their wildest dreams? The simple and even sad fact of reality is a resounding and most loud “NO”. It’s an amazing slap of reality that many new “leaders” face the opposite - a more than rude awakening and realization during their first few months, weeks or even days on the job. They often feel overwhelmed, if not completely and solidly exasperated upon realizing that they have more than completely underestimated the scope of company or organizational expectations and even demands. Struggling with their responsibilities , many and seemingly relentless pressures , as well as the many varied as well as difficult situations and what seem like the full gamut of decisions and decision-making , most of which carry great as well as unstated implications immediately as well as down the road, they soon find out that its not all they thought. Life as a boss is not just perks and privileges awarded to the boss and upper management. Its work and downright difficult employment as well.

Think that you would like to be the boss? Think that it is easy and a piece of cake. Take off the blinders off your eyes. Put the shoe on the other foot.

How to Earn Cash Working From Home

If you are a person who would love to make money working from home you should know that you can make money in any room of your home with ease. Off course it may take some time and effort to develop your own clientele, depending on how competitive your field is.

However if you are persistent and motivated person you will be able to do the job that has to be done to make money from home. Generating income at home can be done in a few simple ways.

1. Earning Cash as a Home Office Worker

If you have some computer skills, you could do the things that you would be normally doing working in an office. For instance as a computer skilled person you could work from home as typist, data entry worker, virtual assistant or you could process orders for the companies. To do this tasks what will be required from you are: high-speed Internet connection, some basic knowledge about the Internet including sending and receiving emails, surfing the Internet for information, submitting online forms etc. Also any formal training on Internet marketing will be welcome. Another kind of job you might have is so called "telecommuting" job. Basically you would work for a company as a contract worker doing the tasks at home that the company gave you or working as a regular employee. Off course everything would depend on requirements and needs of the company.

2. Doing Other Types Of Work-at-Home Professions

Yet another great way to earn money from home is a freelance writer, editor, graphic designer, web designer, or illustrator position. This way you can also make money from home creating projects for the companies you are working for. Also you can come up with your own unique designs and sell them for the companies to use. In this field the plus will be all certificates you have and courses you completed. If you lack of some advanced skills you can always take a quick online course or attend to design classes at reasonable price.

Another way is to make money from home creating tutorials on particular subjects you have thorough knowledge and skills in. For instance if you are good graphic designer you can create some free tutorials presenting step by step simple photo editing tricks. However for more advanced tutorials and techniques you could refer viewers to your paid online training center or paid materials they can download at reasonable price.

You can also make money marketing you own products, by creating their online presence in the form of web site where you could put the links to the products, pictures, prices, descriptions and quick online shopping feature. If you don't have your own product you can still make money as an affiliate marketer, promoting someone else's product and make money from commissions paid to you per sale generated.

Yet another way to earn money working from home is managing social media. Social networking is so popular today because it enable people to create their free online presence and promote themselves and what they're doing. That's why many companies use social media to promote their products and create a buzz. Here you can come up with you design skills and offer creating professional looking online profiles for your customers or installing various services on web sites such us: forum, chat or autoresponder.

So there are plenty of ways to make money from home. You need to define your skills and experience first and the do some research for the right opportunities available for you. This way you will be able to make money from the comfort of your own home.

The Future For Workers on the Job

It used to be that an employee worked for a company their whole career, retired, was given the gold watch at a retirement dinner and that was that. Often the employee had toiled away – either at the factory floor or at a desk job seemingly never noticed. For sure it was most likely the first time that those in upper management ever spoke to the now retiring employee directly. Previously now that was done via middle management whose role was the communication of information - from the top down and then up again to confirm and sometimes if not seldom negotiate terms.

Now it’s different in a number of respects. First of all much of the decision making and actual authority is delegated to the people at the front line – that is the people in the know who actually are “interfacing” with the customers and clients directly. It used to be that any trends changed very slowly in the marketplace. Management had lots of time to gather data, create a strategy and work towards implementation and follow up. Not now changes are done in a flash across the world. Not only that but another set of preferences and rules may be introduced again, even before the first one has jelled. It’s the workers on the front lines who are often given the authority now to directly deal with situations. On top of that the call always was for the “manager” if you wanted action or the ability to have any authority what so ever to “get things done” and bends a few rules in your favor. Now this is often done by those more at the front lines who previously had no flexibility what so ever and whose only job really was to “tell you the rules”, in an effort to placate you – that was until you loudly announced that “I want to see the manager”.

Computers and computer technologies have worked towards these changes. Middle management’s role was to convey information downwards and upwards. This was well the left over role from earlier simpler times, when any of a number of languages and even illiteracy on the part of front lines workers created this then vital role for middle management. Not so today. Emails can be simply sent to be read, RSS feeds can be used. Group ware allows for the sharing of information, research and product development in a flash. Changes to products, submissions and product or service tenders can be done instantaneously across the board in moments. There is none of old logistical delays of paper trails , time spent in old snail mail and even the inefficient delays of mail and papers simply sitting on worker’s or manager’s desk waiting to be read and processed and sent onwards. Interestingly enough it’s not the top of the management chain – on the top floor were you get action to solve your problems in many if not most cases now. Upper management to a great degree has even been relegated to a role of a figurehead trying to find out its real purpose – all the while giving it large raises and bonuses.

What does the future hold for ordinary workers on the front lines? Certainly uncertainty in the workplace is one ongoing factor. Yet if the company does not make its product or sell its service it will cease to exist. Workers and front line workers are the life blood of any industry and service. Stay tuned for more developments.

Top 10 Work at Home Jobs

Top 10 Work at Home Jobs

Work at home jobs are becoming more and more popular, but there are still some that can be done more easily in a home environment. This article shares 10 of the most common types of work at home jobs you will find online.

1) Customer Service

Thanks to the internet and software programs that allow you to log in to a company's system from home, it is easy for employers to hire remote customer service agents. Imagine sitting in your home office, answering telephone calls from people all over the world. That is a reality for many thousands of home-workers today! The duties that come along with customer service positions vary from company to company, but most often you would be answering customer phone calls, providing general customer service, addressing complaints, entering orders into the company computer system online, and so on.

Requirements: Most companies would require you to have an updated home office environment with computer, telephone, headset, and fax machine, though this will vary depending on the job duties.

2) Telemarketing

Telemarketing is another job that can easily be done from home. Most often this involves making cold calls to sales leads and either selling merchandise or services directly, or sometimes you would be simply setting appointments for sales people to close the sale.

Requirements: Most of these jobs would require an unlimited phone plan so you could make long distance calls without extra charges, but some companies do have a program where you could log into their system online and make the calls over a broadband connection. Some of these jobs do require sales or telemarketing experience, but some are willing to train.

3) Transcription

Transcription is done by listening to audio files and typing them into written form. There are two basic types of transcription jobs: medical and general. Medical transcription requires more intensive training so you will know the medical terminology used on the recordings, which are often created by doctors and other health professionals. General transcription can include many different types of audio recordings, such as meeting notes, seminars, teleseminars, and interviews.

Requirements: Transcription jobs will usually require equipment like software programs that can play the audio files at various speeds, and sometimes a specialized foot pedal is also required to control the software. You may also need a special headset.

4) Web Design

Web design jobs are great options for working at home. You can either work as an employee for a company, or as a freelancer who hires out your skills to many different clients. These jobs would obviously require that you have knowledge of web design, HTML, CSS, PHP, and other computer languages.

Requirements: The only equipment requirements for web design work at home jobs would be the software you need to create, design and update web pages. Some companies might require you to use a specific program like Dreamweaver, but others might not.

5) Writing

Writing is a great option for working at home too. You could either work for one company exclusively or freelance for many clients. This job also offers great flexibility with the types of writing and publications you can choose from. You could write for print markets like magazines, or focus on online publications by writing for e-newsletters and e-zines. Writers are needed for many different types of materials, such as sales brochures, technical manuals, parenting publications, health websites - you can even be a "ghostwriter" for people who want to publish their own books but don't have strong writing skills! Writers can also create their own income by writing and selling e-books online, creating content websites funded by advertising, affiliate products and more. Basically, if you have strong writing skills, there are endless ways to turn them into a paying venture.

Requirements: Even better, the only requirements for working at home as a writer would be having the skills and motivation to do it. It may be helpful to have at least the basic software programs that most clients would use, such as Microsoft Word.

6) Graphic Design

Just like web design, graphics design can be done from home too. This would involve the creation of digital images like artwork, company logos and web site graphics. Graphic designers can also work with print images, but that would more likely be done for a local company, even if you could still work at home much of the time.

Requirements: Once again, software programs for graphic design would be needed, as well as proper training.

7) Sales

Sales jobs can be done from home by telephone or internet, but some may also require daily visits to prospective clients. Some sales jobs would pay commission-only (you would only get paid if you make sales), but some do offer a base salary plus commission.

Requirements: This will vary depending on the company and type of sales job, but most often you would need to have some sales experience, and a home office with computer, telephone and fax machine.

8) Virtual Assisting

Virtual assisting is becoming one of the more popular work at home jobs these days. Most often these jobs require basic clerical skills like knowing how to use a computer, the internet, telephone, email, word processing programs like Microsoft Word, as well as spreadsheets, perhaps accounting software, and other basic office equipment. A virtual assistant can work solely for one employer, or be a freelance independent contractor. The duties of a virtual assistant would most often involve answering telephones, doing clerical work, answering email inquiries from clients, sending mailings, making travel arrangements, and more. (It varies greatly depending on the employer.)

Requirements: Usually you would need an updated computer system, telephone, fax machine, and the right software programs that your employer would use.

9) Teaching/Tutoring

Teaching and tutoring jobs can also easily be done from home, and they can apply to different settings. For example, you could tutor children who need help with their studies, or teach English as a second language to adults. You could work independently on your own, or sign on with a company who will connect you with clients.

Requirements: Besides specialized knowledge and teaching credentials, very little equipment is needed for this kind of work at home job.

10) Consulting

If you have specialized knowledge in specific areas, you may be able to create a lucrative consulting practice from home. There are consultants for pretty much everything, from legal to medical to business to personal life coaching! Consider your areas of expertise and ask yourself if people would be willing to pay money to learn from you. More often consulting is done on an independent basis rather than working specifically for one company.

Requirements: Depending on the type of consulting you would be doing, you may need a full home office setup as well as other equipment or software programs related to your line of work.

There are many other types of jobs that can be done from home, but these are probably the most common. However, as technology continues to advance we will likely see more and more opportunities to do even more jobs from home in the future.

How to Be a Successful Telecommuter

How to Be a Successful Telecommuter

It can be challenging enough to find a good telecommuting job these days, but more and more companies are jumping on board and establishing telecommute programs - which means increased opportunities for aspiring telecommuters. In the future I wouldn't be surprised to see that working at home has become "the norm," while commuting to an office is unnecessary. (Of course, some jobs simply can't be done at home, but many can.)

However, equally important as finding a good telecommuting job in the first place is knowing the qualities and traits that will help you to keep your job once you get it!

This article will share some helpful tips for creating and maintaining a successful telecommuting career.

1) Professionalism

The most important quality you can demonstrate to potential telecommute employers (and even once you have the job) is professionalism. It's not just about behaving well during the interview, either. In every interaction you need to portray yourself as mature, responsible, and business-like. The employer needs to feel confident that you can be trusted. Avoid filling your correspondence with smilies or weird fonts, and try to minimize background noise as much as possible during telephone interviews or meetings.

2) Dependability

Also important is to show that you are dependable. You can do this by making sure to be on time for interviews, responding to email or phone calls quickly, and of course once you have the job, "showing up" for work on time every day. Telecommute employers really have to take a leap of faith when they hire you to work at home because they can't stand over you to be sure your work gets done each day. It's up to you to put them at ease by demonstrating your commitment and dependability in every interaction.

3) Resourcefulness

Working at home also requires you to be resourceful, much more than regular jobs. You need to be able to think on your feet and handle any challenges that come your way. Your manager may not always be available at the moment you need him or her, so you will be expected to do your best independently. During the interview process your manager may even test your resourcefulness by asking pointed questions like, "How would you handle an irate customer if no one was available to help?" Your answer will reveal a lot about your ability to handle the job.

4) Communication

Since you will be isolated from your manager and co-workers every day, it's also important to stay in contact frequently. This includes answering email and returning phone calls quickly, but also being proactive by asking questions and otherwise making it known that you are involved with and committed to your work.

5) Teamwork

Most telecommuters work independently, but sometimes you may be required to interact with others in a team environment (even if it's done by telephone or internet). Demonstrate your ability to work well with others by behaving maturely and professionally. If you have a disagreement with your boss or a co-worker, handle it calmly rather than flying off the handle.

Work From Home

A Legitimate Work from home job is a desire that many moms have, and being able to generate a great income while working from home is very possible.

I created this work from home jobs for moms lens to give you information about legitimate work from home jobs for moms, and for anyone looking to make part time to full time income.

The demand for legitimate home based businesses continues to climb, as more and more entrepreneurial minded individuals begin to look for ways to supplement income while being a full time stay at home mom or dad, supplement retirement, pensions or social security, or replace the full time job they currently have.

Work From Home Jobs For Moms - Resources and Information

The world of a full time mom is full, busy with kids, taking care of the home, and providing family members with the care and support that they need.

The recent turn in the economy has increased the need for additional income, and many full time moms may be finding themselves looking for legitimate work from home jobs.

The following resources can assist the full time mom, stay at home dad, or entrepreneurial minded individual by providing information that they can access, to complete their due diligence and research.

Work at home jobs for moms are available, but how do you know whether the opportunity you are looking at is a legitimate one?

Resources and Reviews - Quick Resources You Can Utilize

Work At Home Moms - The following forum boards cater to work at home moms and dads, by providing links to legitimate work at home jobs and opportunities.


Networking Sites

Get online and mingle! Networking and Social Networking websites are a great resource for finding legitimate work online.

Here are a few to check out:

* Ryze
* Konnects
* DirectMatches
* Facebook
* LinkedIn
* Myspace

In addition to the resources named above, additional information can be found by conducting a search on Google for the keyword "Work From Home Jobs For Moms".

Additional Income Resources -

Travel Careers: There are several work from home jobs for moms that tap into the entrepreneurial spirit, and offer a legitimate home based business model.

Currently, the online travel industry is seeing a spike in growth, with over 70% of all travel being booked online. Despite current economic conditions, travel continues to grow 23% faster than the global economy, and will double within the next decade.

Health industry - The health industry continues to show record breaking profits, as the baby boomers begin to retire. There are several health industry related home businesses that offer a work from home mom the ability to earn great extra income.

Beauty - Makeup and Skin care - profitable, and continues to climb. Makeup and Skin Care Products are consumables, creating a repeat clientele. The Makeup and Skin Care industries offer a terrific income opportunity with consistent part time effort.

How to Get Your Dream Job in a Slow Economy

How to Get Your Dream Job in a Slow Economy

Does the slow economy leave you worried about finding a new job? Don’t despair! Even in a slow economy there are plenty of good jobs available, and with the right preparation you will make yourself stand out from your competition. Below are 7 tips that will get you closer to your dream job.

1. Research

Research the industries that interest you. Find all the companies in your geographic location that currently have positions that you think you would qualify for. This doesn’t only mean open positions. The initial goal is to fill the “funnel” with as many companies that you could see yourself working for. Don’t be too picky. The more companies the better.

Organize those companies in a way that will make it easy for you to keep a good overview. An excel spreadsheet will do just fine. Find each companies’ contact information and simply call them up. Your goal is to find out who is in charge of hiring for the department that you are interested in. Finding out this information might take a few phone calls, but keep in mind that the harder it is, the more likely your competition won’t do this.

2. Making Contact

Once you completed your spreadsheet with the information you need, including the hiring manger’s phone number and e-mail address, it is time to start prospecting. The best way to do this is by working all communication channels. Send in a your resume by mail with a targeted cover letter. Then follow up with a phone call to ensure that the resume was received. The goal is to start the conversation with the hiring manager. Be polite and don’t be too pushy. Simply sell yourself!

3. It’s a numbers game.

The more times you do the steps above the better. It is simply a numbers game. Take your time to customize each cover letter and send in plenty of resumes. The more the better!

4. Ask for action

Be proactive in your job search. Follow up with your targeted companies and learn more about their possible hiring time frame. Once you know their sense of urgency, there is nothing wrong with asking for action. If you know that company XYZ is planning on filling your position within the next 4 weeks, then it is quite acceptable to ask for an interview falling in this time frame. Once again, don’t be too pushy. The following might be a good example how to ask for your face to face interview: “Mr. or Mrs. (hiring manager name here) from your previous e-mail you mentioned that you are planning on filling the (position’s title) position by the end of this month. Is this time frame still accurate” If the answer is yes, then simply ask for your interview by saying something like this: “Well, that is great. I have been narrowing down my job search, and I am most excited about your company. I would really enjoy the opportunity to learn more about your business. Do you think you might be available next week for a brief meeting?” Simply give this a try and you will be surprised about how well it is perceived. If you owned a business, wouldn’t you want employees that are passionate about your business and take initiative to get the job done?

5. Dress Right For Your Job Interview:

As a general rule, it is better to overdress than showing up too casual. Keep your attire on the professional, and slightly conservative side. Unless you are applying for a job that is related to the fashion industry keep your outfit to a classy 2-piece, charcoal gray business suit, plain white dress shirt, and classic business tie. The best necktie colors for this purpose are dark blue and burgundy red. Stay away from too trendy neckties such as pink, orange, and lime green. Although they are quite fashionable, they might be perceived as too flashy.

6. Body Language:

First impressions are usually made within the first 3 seconds of meeting someone. That’s why the right attire and body language is so crucial for your job interview. If you start the interview on a good note, you will have won half the battle.

Have a good handshake, make good eye contact, and smile when appropriate. Be confident but not arrogant!

7. The right Follow Up

Few people take the effort to write a Thank-You note these days. If you really want to stand out from the competition write a handwritten note to the manger you interviewed with. If you prefer to write e-mail, then address the e-mail to the person you interviewed with and copy all other decision makers onto this same e-mail. Thank him/her for taking some time out of his/her busy schedule to meet with you. It will guaranteed leave a good impression, and it will increase your chances to get called back for a second or final interview.

If you follow the tips above you are on the right track to get your dream job. The key is to practice this process. Don’t beat yourself up over rejections, but keep a positive attitude: Every NO will get you closer to the YES.

Are Data Entry Jobs Legit or Just Scams?

Are Data Entry Jobs Legit or Just Scams?

You can end up the victim of a data entry opportunity scam without really trying to. You can put yourself right in the path of a mailing list by filling out a form. Data entry opportunity scams use lists to get the names of the people they need to begin mailing. Once you are on their list, be ready to receive a load of information.

Data entry opportunity scams use Craigslist, or similar sites, to locate people. They are listed among jobs that are legitimate. They will list a city and even a smaller city near there. Once you send them your information, you have placed your name on the list. The list will be sold more than once as they do not care how many emails you receive.

If you decide to apply for a job you see on Craigslist, here are a few tips:

Information contained in the ad has no city information. Usually a job posting may state the company or it may give the part of town the job will be situated. Legitimate employers give some information about the area where their company is located because they want to give you as much information as possible to make a decision. They put the area of town in the posting to help cut down on the amount of calls and resumes they would receive without it. A data entry job scam will not have anything that gives you town information in the posting.

There is no way to reach them. Job postings have a name and a phone number as a point of reference. If it is a blind ad, it may just give an email address or tell you to send it to Human Resources. Data entry business scams don’t have that information.

When can you begin? Data entry opportunity scams want you to start today. They cater to people who really need a job, but most companies know you give notice to your current employer first. They don’t want you if you don’t give notice because they will believe you will do the same thing to them. There is not a real job waiting for you with scam artists so they are unconcerned about that part.

The job listing will sound impressive and you will feel as though the position was made for you. It seems most people are searching for new opportunities. Data entry job scams are too good to be true and you will begin to be able to point them out from real jobs. The job will seem very positive and you will see yourself in that new position. You will be so excited that you will get your resume together and email it to them straight away. You will guess that they got your resume first and based on your experience will pick you over anyone else. What you are feeling will turn out to be very false, as you will find that there is really no opportunity at all. And once they do apply, they are hit with all types of spam in their inbox and even at the postal address that they put on the CV.

The Pros and Cons of a Medical Transcription Job

The Pros and Cons of a Medical Transcription Job

Daily commuting is nobody's idea of having fun. So, ever since the idea of working from home appeared in the job market, everybody is hoping to grab a piece of the home job pie. Besides the freedom from commuting, working from home offers tremendous flexibility of timing as well. A star attraction on this home job turf is the job of Transcription.

Transcription involves the converting of a voice recording into a written hard copy. These oral recordings could be discussions during a meeting, speeches, court proceedings, surgical procedures, or any type of question and answer sessions between two individuals, which could contain important data that has to be stored. Of the different types of Transcription jobs available, the segment known as Medical Transcription is the one that has a lot of work to offer. Other Transcription jobs available relate to Legal Transcription services, and General Transcription services.

Medical Transcription, as the name implies, relates to transcribing medical data. These are primarily case diagnoses of patients or surgical procedures. It may involve conversations with the patient, the doctor’s analysis of the medical condition, and other details relating to the disease. There are softwares that can transcribe oral information into soft copies but given the nature of medical terminologies, a software might need to be improved quite a lot before it can grasp the nuances of language involved in the medical terms. As of now, the recognition system of a human mind is required to translate the type of medical information contained in these recordings. To be adept at doing Medical Transcription, an individual should have good listening skills, accurate and fast typing skills, and a basic idea of medical systems and the terminology involved in it.

Those who are completely unfamiliar with the medical world will have to take courses in order to become a part of any Medical Transcription services.Medical Transcription is a job that has deadlines, and usually a Transcription has to be submitted within 24 hours. As in every other job, ease and fluency will have to come with time. If you are finding yourself comfortable with the job, you can even take advanced courses that might contain more difficult terminologies and more descriptive medical information. This is a field where workers are always needed, and the more adept you become in the field, the more your will be in demand.

Different levels of Medical Transcription courses are available to familiarize fresh aspirants with the names and functionalities of the medical world. A basic course will have to done to get started in the Medical Transcription services field. Once you get the grip of things, it will be much easier, and you will develop speed and accuracy with time. You can work at night, or during day, as your prefer. It is a type of flexibility that a regular office job would never allow. And if you are a woman, you can attend to household chores at chosen intervals, without in any way disturbing the work schedule. You can also do the job at your own pace. And all these advantages of flexible timings, freedom from commuting, and working at one’s own pace, apply to a man also.

What it Takes to Be a Nurse

A Nutt

Nurses are special professionals whom most people consider to be pillars of society, having the strength, compassion and skills to care for hundreds of sick or injured people everyday. Nurses come from all walks of life and there has always been a great deal of demand for them. If you are considering becoming a nurse, you may have many questions most importantly 'Do I have what it takes to be a nurse?' Read on to see what it takes to be a nurse in today's world to see if you do.

The different levels of nursing and education. If you are considering nursing school, you may have already realized that there is a good deal of competition to get into the best programs. However, there is such a need for qualified nurses that you can get into a program and learn the skills you need to succeed. Before you do, one thing you may want to consider is what level of nursing you want to go for. Nursing care starts with a basic level (Certified Nurses Aid) to the more advanced nursing levels, (Registered Nurses and onward) each taking a required amount of time in coursework, clinicals and testing. What kind of patient population you want to work with determined the level of schooling you will need. So you must be able to commit to at least one to six years of education and costs. You will also be required to maintain any licenses you earn through continual training and courses if needed to keep up with advances and changes in medicine - can you do it?

Physical and emotional strength. If you are considering nursing as a career, at any age or skill level, you will need to be aware that nursing is a very physically and emotionally demanding job. You can expect to be standing, lifting and on your feet for up to 16 hours at a time. You also will be exposed not only to many illnesses, body fluids and different procedures, but you will also be dealing with patient families. There may be times when you will have to make decisions in a matter of seconds in order to provide life saving treatment to a patient. You may be asked to tell a patient or family member bad news and then have to stay focused to offer support to them while maintaining a high level of care regardless of the outcome. You may have to deal with very uncooperative patients or aggressive or dangerous people. Nursing is a demanding career both physically and emotionally and its up to you to stay strong and handle these roles - can you do it?

Nurses don't expect thanks. If you are a nurse, you will probably encounter many times when you will not feel appreciated. You may be dealing with difficult patients all day, then a doctor who wants to remind you that you are not a doctor or worse yet, another nurse with more experience or rank than you - who makes sure you know that. Caring for patients can become a chore if you expect a thank you from them. Nurses are required to fulfill so many roles within the healthcare system that they often feel taken for granted or unrecognized. If you want to be a nurse, you will need to be able to deal with these things and rise above in order to be a great nurse. Can you?

If you read the above and you still think you would like to be a nurse, then by all means check out the many wonderful nursing programs available today. There are many opportunities awaiting you in nursing.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Best Mark Review

What types of shops do they hire for?

They hire for the following:

• Automotive service operations
• Banks
• Retail stores
• Casinos
• Restaurants

The types of shops, that you would be assigned to, will depend on what’s available in your area and the types of customers that are needed for each assignment. For example, a mature aged woman is not likely to be assigned to a shop that’s geared toward the younger crowd; unless the business specifically asks for it. Best Mark will make that determination as shopping projects arises.

What qualifications do they look for in an applicant?

Best Mark looks for many qualities in someone they hire. The most important quality they look for is honesty. All evaluations must be honest and true based on the experiences seen on the day of the assignment. They include the following:

1. The ability to be discreet
2. Dependability and able to meet deadlines
3. Pay attention to details and be observant
4. Able to communicate effectively
5. Honor their commitments
6. Able to follow detailed instructions

They also require that you be at least 21 years of age and that you have a reliable means of transportation. You should also have a computer or access to a computer with internet access as some information will need to be entered into the computer.

What do they pay?

The pay depends on the type of assignment that you’re asked to do. Some jobs pay for the assignment itself, some pay with reimbursement and some do it with both. You will be informed of the pay details before deciding to accept an assignment or not. They send out the check after your assignment is completed and the evaluation forms are reviewed and validated.

Best Mark states that they will hold a portion of your pay; should you not perform your job requirements of an assignment as they were stated in the assignment details. As long as you perform your assignment as written, you will have no problems with the pay.

Compensation includes the price of the item purchased. It does not include mileage to and from the establishment or for your time in performing the job itself; unless a business establishment offers it in their project details.

Do they have training?

Yes, they will train those that are hired. You will learn the basics of what clients look for in their evaluations. Plus, you’ll learn more about the company as well. They will walk you through the process of how to perform your assignments including entering data and turning in whatever is necessary according to the assignment details.

How do you apply?

They have an online application form for you to fill out on their website.

How do I know if I’m hired?

After you’ve filled out your application, and an assignment comes up in your area; you will be contacted by your regional coordinator. They will ask a few more questions and if you’re deemed a fit for their company, you will perform your first test job for them.


To teach is one of the toughest jobs on this earth. The four things that can easily overwhelm a teacher are the demands of many children, the not so easy curriculum, the demanding parents and on top of that an unending stream of marking papers. These suggestions should be followed if you want to avoid teacher burnout.

Be aware of the amount you are able to do. When they first go into teaching, teachers have quite the idealized vision of imparting wisdom in a stellar environment. However these fantasies rapidly fall away once they find out the amount of effort needed to teach. Teaching ranges from providing day-to-day experiences and lessons, parent meetings, marking grades, playground duty, staff meetings, extra-curricular commitments and specialized education program and high-needs students. It can be somewhat overwhelming, even for a more experienced teacher. Know when to ask for help to avoid teacher burnout. You can find lots of volunteers willing to perform routine tasks for you.

(Try parents, grandparents, spouses and also students in higher grades). Take some breaks. You need to know what you can do yourself, then get help for everything else.

Neglect some matters. There are going to be surprises every day when you are a teacher.

You need to learn to let the little things go to avoid burnout. Stop fretting about little matters that don't really affect the remainder of the day. Perfection means nothing. Color coordinating your bulletin board is not necessary for parent teacher night. Youngsters aren't concerned whether you even get a chance to use that awesome lesson you devised. (In fact, they won't know at all!) Realize that some things need to be done through out your day, but remember some things you can go without doing.

Don't bring your work outside of school. If you let it, teaching can be a day and night job.

Every night at your home, are you carefully cutting out something for the art project tomorrow, marking papers, writing lessons? If you keep on mingling your job together with your private life it's really going to wind up dragging you down. Discover a way to accomplish what's needed at school, letting the remainder wait for tomorrow. To help with mundane tasks, bring volunteers in during the morning. Instead of taking your work home, use your prep periods to do marking. (Be aware that it isn't necessary to mark everything to ascertain how a youngster is doing). After deciding what time you will leave work each day, be sure to stick to it. The alternative is to rapidly lose any interest for your current employment by spending just too much time on it, being far too involve with it and nothing else.

The good moments should be treasured. Teachers hardly ever realize the powerful influence they have on children. What appears in your day to remind you why you went into teaching, take a moment to cherish what happened in the end, remember it. For being such a good role model for the children that you teach, you should congratulate yourself. Those positive moments can support your educational drive and help you avoid burning out.